February 23, 2014

Peek at my Week: Gold Rush, Tall Tales, Adding Fractions

Time for another link up with Mrs. Laffin's Laughings, and sharing about what my class will be working on this week.

I can not begin to tell you how much I love this story.  McBroom and the Big Wind is the perfect story to work on figurative language, so I do.  It's also so much fun to read aloud.  :)    

Figurative Language Spring Templates (Graphic Organizers)

I use the rainbow template from my Figurative Language Templates and have the kids come up with examples using the text.  It's almost March, so I want them to cover my room with spring colors!  

We are adding fractions this week!  I know!  I said that!  The kids have a good grasp of the initial portion of it all, so we are moving onto adding fractions.  I'm actually going to use Jessica's Fraction Recipes to have them take a recipe and add to double, triple, and quadruple it.  She gives the option to  use multiplication, but we aren't there yet.  Soon enough...  

Fractions with Recipes 4.NF.4

I'll share how it goes later on this week!  This is just another resource in the Tricky Math bundle over at Educents.  It's still LIVE!

Guess what time it is?  It's time to learn about the Gold Rush!  I love learning about the Gold Rush!  I really do.  This week we are using the textbook and learning key facts about that time period.  I'm getting them ready to write their own Gold Rush Narrative next week, so we will be reading this story, Gold Fever.    

It's all about a guy going across country to find gold - leaving his family, running into obstacles, and then having to make the decision of what he's going to do.  Same idea as many of the miners way back when...  

 California Gold Rush Mining Journal

Here's what I'm prepping this week - My Gold Rush Mining Journal.  Next week the kids will be starting their narrative and writing an adventure about their trip out west.  

This week (because we are learning about Tall Tales) the kids will be writing their own adventure stories - focusing on Figurative Language and specifically exaggeration.  I made up a research mini book for the kids to work on, and added it to my research station.  They will be choosing a person, learning about him or her, and then writing another adventure about that person.  Here is the link if you want to check out a preview.    

Hope you have a great day!   


  1. What a great idea to link tall tales and figurative language! They go so well together. I'm going to do that next year. ;)

    I think recipes are a great way to teach fractions. Talk about math in real life!

    Have a great week, Emily!
    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  2. I like your subject clipart - adorable. Plus, I love your blog design - so cheerful and homey!


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