February 1, 2014

SALE, Crazy Kid Game, and Slim Down

This week has been absolutely nuts!!  Here's some randomness and motivation for myself and my students.  

First up - I'm joining up with a bunch of other sellers and put my store on sale through this weekend.  

I'm Lovin Lit is hosting a linky of sellers on sale.  Check it out if you want to link up your sale or if you want to go shopping during the game tomorrow.  :)  
Student Motivation - I wanted to share a crazy game that my students love to play.  It's just called Statue and we play it the last couple minutes of the day IF we have time and it everyone stayed on green.  This past week I took a couple of pictures of the crazy poses they get into.
I don't know how his head and neck doesn't hurt...

We have statue of liberties, feet up, skiing, rock star, skateboarding poses... the kids get crazy.  It's just a matter of a countdown from 10, then calling out "STATUE".  I choose 2 judges - one girl, one boy and after the kids are posed they choose their favorite poses.  The winners then are the next round of judges for the next game.  It's easy and the kids LOVE it.  
Okay - my Slim Down motivation.  

Being honest, I knew going into this week that it was going to be tough.  Last Saturday was my son's birthday party, and basically every night this week we had something going on and most of it involved a meal out.  I did try to make healthy choices, it was hard to do when the restaurants didn't have their nutrition posted.  

Sunday - Lunch with my sister at BJs.
Monday - dinner home
Tuesday - Mexican dinner out after we signed the Estate Plan
Wednesday - Real birthday dinner - Chinese take out
Thursday - Grabbed lunch at Bagel Street Cafe on route to son's field trip
Friday - dinner home 

I forgot my water at home again... and didn't eat as many veggies.  I did keep that activity tracker humming though, and had my best day ever (since last August when I got it).  I don't know if my scale is broken (I don't think so), but it showed up as 0 again.  Maybe it's all that sodium from dining out, maybe it's lack of water, maybe it's that birthday cake... Anyhow, this week is going to be better (and hopefully not as crazy).  

Hope this helped you in some way.  Have a great day!  


  1. Great positive attitude! I wish all restaurants had to post their nutrition information, because it does making going out to eat with family and friends so difficult! I hope this coming week goes well for you!

  2. Eating out is so hard. They definitely pump all their food with sodium, so water weight could definitely be the reason you didn't see a loss on the scale. Keep up the good work with getting your activity in! I love the statue game, we will definitely be trying it this week.

  3. Those poses are hilarious! I think this would be just as fun for the teacher to watch! LOL! Great attitude Emily! I agree, eating out is hard, but as working moms we get busy and sometimes it's hard to avoid. Keep up the great work and positivity!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  4. Hi Emily! That scale can be so discouraging - keep going and it will eventually show! Way to go with 12 AP...I love those days because I can eat more...hehe (I think that is part of my mental problem with food!). Love the Statue game - I am going to use that for a Morning Meeting activity. All the ones we play are getting kind of stale!

    Kate :)
    McDee's Busy Bees


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!