February 18, 2014

Tried it Tuesday: The Importance of Factors - Prime & Composite

Today I wanted to share a fun math activity I let my kiddos do this past week.  We finished up Factors  after Christmas break, but with the end of the trimester assessments they needed a quick review.  

I used one of the activities in this pack from Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans that got them focused on practicing their math facts and reviewing prime & composite numbers.  Since it involved coloring, the kids were all into it.  It was also great review as we are moving further into fractions and tied into the process of simplifying.  They needed this!

I love how the students ended up finding patterns as they moved through the 100's board.  There is also a handy foldable included that the kids added to their math notebooks.  All in all a great product!  

This is just another one of the handy activities included in this limited time Educents bundle.  

Linking up with Holly's Tried it Tuesday!  

In other news, over on the brand new Collaborative Blog there is a giveaway going on.  

It's HUGE!  3 rafflecopters... make sure to enter!  

Hope you had a great day!  

1 comment:

  1. What a great activity to review factors and composites, Emily! This pack at Educents is a deal (if we do say so ourselves!). :) Thanks for linking up BBB!
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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