April 28, 2014

Two Chicks Celebrating 1,000 Followers {Giveaways Galore}

Are you ready to PARTY!?! 

I am teaming up with my friend AMC at Looking from Third to Fourth to celebrate you, the kind people who take time to read our blogs, click on the little Follow button, and give us a reason to keep sharing.  AMC and I are blessed to have both reached the milestone of 1000 Followers on our blogs. We are also blessed to have made so many friends in the blogging community that we are able to celebrate this with a HUGE giveaway.  

Well actually 5 GIVEAWAYS!! 

 First, I would like to say thank you by offering a $25 Gift Certificate to TPT and a Classroom Friendly Pencil Sharpener!  

I hope some extra teacher cash will be helpful as you are prepping and finishing up this year.

I love these pencil sharpeners from Classroom Friendly Supplies.  I actually have 4 of them... 3 at school, and 1 at home.  I chose to have multiple ones because the lines to sharpen always take so much time, and they have a multi pack discount...  These sharpeners work perfectly, are QUIET, and the kids haven't been able to break them.  To win you have to live in the US (it's their shipping rule), but you will be able to choose your own color.  As you can see I have blue and green.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can also head over to AMC's blog for a chance to win another $25 Gift Certificate to TPT and any 3 products from her store.  

Next you can enter to win all of these fabulous prizes from some amazing teachers in Fabulous Prize Pack # 1.  The following rafflecopters are the same on both of our blogs. 

You can also enter to win these amazing prizes from some of the best teacher bloggers around in Fabulous Prize Pack #2.

Lastly you can win this set of fabulous products brought to you buy these amazing bloggers. If you want to see  more click on their pictures.

Thank you again for taking the time to celebrate!  Good luck!

One last reminder - today is the LAST day of my Dollar Deals over on TPT. I appreciate the sales and all the help in paying for the car repairs. :)  These 4 items are my "featured" products, so they are easy to find.

Have a wonderfully awesome day!  


  1. Congratulations! What a great giveaway! And...thank you for making it painless and not having me to copy and paste answers in the Rafflecopter! ;) My favorite part of the school day is in the morning when the kids come in full of energy and eager to learn!

  2. WOOHOO! Congratulations to you and AMC! So exciting! Thanks for including me! :)
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  3. Congratulations! I'm super excited about that pencil sharpener! I just found out today that I got a job at the school my kids go to (I'm super excited, and my kids are too), and this pencil sharpener would be great for my new classroom.

  4. My favorite part of the school day is when I do my read aloud. The kids sit on the edges of their seats to see what happens next.

  5. CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy to be a small part of this big celebration and milestone. Of course I HAVE to enter to try and win. :) My favorite part of the day is when I am in the middle of a guided reading lesson and I look around my room and EVERY SINGLE ONE of my kiddos is working hard on their various Daily 5 activities. My heart actually smiles. Thanks for a fab giveaway!

    Funky in Fourth

  6. Congratulations! My favorite part of the day is the time I spend in 2nd grade. I move from classroom to classroom throughout the day.

  7. Yay!! Congrats on 1000 followers! Thanks for letting me be a part of your celebration!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  8. My favorite part of the day is when the light bulb goes off which can happen at anytime! It is exciting to see things click! Congrats on the 1000 followers, may it continue to grow and grow.

  9. My favorite part is when we do STEM challenges!

  10. One word for this giveaway...WOW! Congratulations on your milestone Emily! So happy to be a part of your special milestone BBB! xoxo
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  11. My favorite part of the day is when I read a story or chapter to my class!

  12. My favorite part of the day is recess!!!

  13. My favorite part of the day is lunch, especially when I eat with the kids. I love talking with them and being involved in their conversations.

  14. My favorite part of the school day is right at the beginning! I hug all my kiddos as they enter the room! :)


  15. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway! Favorite part of the school day is our library visits. :)

  16. Great giveaway! My favorite part of the day is mad math game time! Thanks!

  17. Thank you for a the fun giveaways! My favorite part of the day is dept planning time.

  18. Congratulations! My favorite part of the school day is reading class! :)

  19. Wow-fantastic achievement! Thank you for this awesome giveaway! Favorite part of the day is study hall time!

  20. Congrats! Thank you for all of these great giveaways. My fav part of the day is science!

  21. Oh wow-my favorite part of the day has got to be right after lunch! Thank you and congratulations to you!

  22. Great giveaway! Thank you :) My favorite part of the day is math block!


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!