May 2, 2014

Five Random Things

This week I took my school kiddos to Sacramento for our BIG field trip.  We laughed, we had fun, we came home sweaty and tired.  Such a good field trip.  It was extra special this year because my son's class also attended, and my husband was a chaperone.  I had a built in seat buddy.    

Today we didn't have school.  It was an optional Staff Development Day.  My husband had to work this afternoon and we didn't have daycare, so I spent the day with my boys.  This afternoon they were playing so nicely that I decided to watch an old favorite.  :)

In the meantime, during the movie - I was going through our new math curriculum and making myself a master list of Chapters, Lessons, and Standards.  Then I made up a pacing guide (since we won't be getting a yearly one this next year).  Sometimes I just need to write things out so I can focus better.

Does he look tired?  We went to the "jumpy house" this morning with the boys to celebrate the start of the 3 day weekend.  It was absolutely empty when we showed up at 10.  Perfect!  The boys were busy jumping for 90 minutes - until they were begging us to go and sit.  It's a pretty cool place - it's in the old Old Navy store in the mall - and they converted it to be filled with HUGE jumpy/obstacle houses (at least 8 in the main room).  My husband was in the midst of it all too- jumping, bouncing - while I was happy taking random shots of my boys in action.

It's May!!  It's MAY!!!  I love looking at the May calendar.  My birthday is on the 8th so I'm a little biased.  Somehow when I filled in my school planner way back when I didn't realize that May 23rd is a min. day.  I knew about May 30th because it's the last day of school, but May 23rd slipped my mind.  It was a pleasant surprise to realize that today.  :)  So 19 more school days until my 4th grade kids become those big FIFTH graders.... I'm going to miss this class so much!  

What's on that calendar?  Let's see... Cinco de Mayo Fiesta on Monday (5), Bday celebration on Thursday (8), Mother's Day Celebration (9), Bowling Field Trip (14 or 21), Open House (15), Report Cards (19), Math Training (20), Volunteer Tea (21), Minimum Day (23), Chaperoning the 8th Grade Amusement Park Trip (27), 5 Days of Fun (23 - 30), Awards Assembly (28), Saying Goodbye (30)...

Hope you had a great week!  Linking this all up with Doodlebugs!  


  1. What a fun field trip that must have been for you! May sure looks like it's going to be busy month for you - hope it's a great one!

    Love to Learn

  2. I'm in SoCal, but my 4th graders would have loved to visit Sutter's Fort, as we've just recently learned about it for our CA reports. Would love to visit there someday. That's the fun part about teaching 4th grade---can visit all the places you teach about! : )

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  3. 10 Things I Hate About You is one of my all time favs!!!! Happy almost birthday! I celebrate 2 days after on the 10th! May is my favorite month for many reasons!
    A Tall Drink of Water


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