May 3, 2014

Lunch Bunch

On Thursday I had a deep desire to change around the classroom.  The kids were changing around their desks for the last time, and I wanted to change around my desk too.  So I did. I pushed and pulled my huge metal desk across the room.  It startled the kids, it made my back ache - but it was a good thing too, it gave a freshness to the classroom.  There are a lot of things that I really like about my classroom and how I'm managing it, but then there are some things that I don't want to keep for next year.  One thing that I have really enjoyed is Lunch Bunch this year.

In past years kids would save up their classroom tickets to have lunch with me.  They invited a friend, and it was a picnic.  This year I tried Lunch Bunch - a motivational tool that had numerous kids earn that prize every month.
I have those team point cups - I know I've mentioned them before.  Teams get marbles for doing their best, keeping their area clean, following directions, being the first in transitions, etc..  The size of the team depends on the seating arrangement.  When we are in tables there are 5 teams, in the E formation there are 2... it doesn't matter how many kids are in each team, as long as they are pretty much equal.  At the end of the month we always switch desks, and I count the marbles.  The team with the most marbles wins and has the option of eating lunch in the classroom with me that day.  

If they need to buy their lunch they just carry it back to the classroom after the hot lunch line, the other kids come straight back with me.  The kids choose a "fun" movie from the cupboard, and then I laugh along with them.  If they want to play a game from the rainy day box, that it also an option - they just have to clean it up when done.  The last 5 minutes I kick them out so I can run up to use the bathroom, and they meet up with the rest of the class.  Some months there are 16 kids, other months there are 6...  

My son's class has a slightly different Lunch Bunch, it's connected with staying on excellent behavior every month.  Kids that stay on "green" have the option of coming in to eat.  Invitations are sent home, it's a big deal to be asked to come in.

Linking this up with Head Over Heels for Teaching's Saturday Motivation!  

Hope you have a wonderful day!  


  1. I love how you have your kids work as teams, and the Lunch Bunch is a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Sarah @ hoots N' Hollers

  2. This is so fun! We have to eat lunch with our kids in the cafeteria, so I couldn't do something like this. Maybe I can partner up with a teacher to watch each others classes or something.
    A Tall Drink of Water

  3. I don't have anything "official", but I let students with good behavior for the day eat lunch with me occasionally. It's kind of rushed because I have recess duty, but they love doing it! I've had kids who messed up in the morning, crying because they had to stay in the cafeteria. lol


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