February 5, 2015

Searching on TPT

I know this might be review for a lot of people, but sometimes I even forget to do these things... so I wanted to share some randomness you may not know.

Whenever you visit a store on TPT, you can search for specifics using the Quick Find box on the right side (located under the Free Download).  I have tons of Valentine stuff in my store, so I used this as an example.  

A lot of stuff may pop up... On the left side of the screen it looks like this - it's just one search, but you can do more than one.  I love this feature because then it limits all the custom categories to what you are looking for.

You can search in the Custom Categories, or add in a grade level to narrow your search even farther.  

 You can then even narrow it even further.  I like to also click on the Free options to see what's available too.  Freebies are wonderful, aren't they?!

Like you see above, I have a few Valentine freebies that you might want to grab and try in your classroom.  I LOVE those Morning Meeting Cards, in addition to that adorable penguin writing paper. Valentine Conversation Fractions is the activity that my kiddos do on the actual holiday (this year on the 13th), it only takes a scoop of those tiny conversation hearts and helps with review.

Hope this helps!  

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