March 19, 2015

Triangle Flower Math Art FREEBIE

Yesterday my kiddos finally reached our triangle lesson.  We did the math lesson from the text, but then I wanted to spice up a little assessment (so I could tell who still needs some help with the concept).  I pulled out construction paper and they got to work.

The purple sheets above are actually half size paper, then I passed out a little strip of green construction paper for the stem.  They glued it on, and then starting cutting up a 1/6 pink piece of construction paper to create 7 triangles.  They had to label the triangles, and then could glue on the petals to the top of the stem.  

Now, this time of year it's amazing that I still have construction paper, so I made up a free version for those of us out there that are lacking.

I hope that this can help you!


  1. This looks like a fun assessment....thanks for sharing!

    Mind Sparks

  2. My geography unit is up next, and this looks like a lot of fun. Thanks!
    Laughter and Consistency


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