August 10, 2015

Monday Made It: Team Awesome, Nut Free, and CPR!

Tomorrow the kids come... I'm so excited to meet them!  This past week was spent getting things ready in the classroom.  I'm almost ready to show it to you!  I did make up a few things for today with Monday Made It!

My team has matching shirts this year.  Aren't they awesome!?!  They are from 
Image result for i teach 4th, what's your superpower

My team was joking around the other day and named ourselves Team Awesome.  :)  So I made up some Official Membership gifts with our favorite team candy... seriously, it makes meetings better!  LOVE the clip art from Creative Clips!

Here it is over on Google Docs!

This year I have a couple kids with nut allergies.  It's really serious how so many kids have epi-pens these days.  I made this freebie up for my window, hoping it reminds the kids to not bring in anything for birthday celebrations and class parties that could hurt others.  Maybe it can help you too!  

Going along with that, I renewed my CPR online this past week!  I sat down and MADE myself get it done before school started.  Now I am able to administer (hopefully never) epi-pens if needed.  You can save some money with the code below!

I hope you have a great day!


  1. Every team should be so lucky to be Awesome! We need to boost each other every day.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. That's so cute - It's great to have a wonderful team that works so well together!
    Are We There Yet?

  3. Thanks for the freebie "Nut Free" sign. I needed one of these and now I don't have to make one!


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!