April 4, 2016

Social Studies Timelines

We are wrapping up the year!  I can't believe it how fast time has flown.  I wanted to share our Social Studies timelines.  I LOVE how they came out.

First up, we took a 12 x 18 piece of white paper, and folded it in half (hot dog), and placed it on our desks with the fold at the top.  We took a ruler (it was a scary moment), and starting with one end we measured and marked every 3 inches to form 6 sections.  We drew 5 lines to separate them out.  

The kids started to decorate the outside of their flip flaps:
Section 1: Regions
2: Native American
3: Explorers
4: Missions
5: Gold Rush
6: Statehood

After all the illustrating was done, we got to work writing inside.  They cut only the top portion, and wrote directly under the flap about that specific area.  Here's what I made them write about:
Regions: Favorite region and why
Native American: Interesting facts they learned
Explorer: Favorite explorer and why
Mission: Interesting facts they learned
Gold Rush: Interesting facts they learned
Statehood: Why they love living in CA

Hope this helps someone.


  1. Thank you for posting this idea!!! I'm going to finish a little early this year and was trying to think of something to do at the end. This will be perfect!
    Thanks again!! Lisa

  2. Great timeline idea! I'm pinning this - we don't get out until the end of June so we have LOTS of time to do this project! Thanks!

  3. These look great Emily! I may have to do something similar for our Open House in May!
    Fancy Free in Fourth

  4. Wow, great idea. I am inspired♡


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