July 6, 2016

Back to School Anchor Charts

Summer has meant spending a lot of time on Pinterest... Here are my versions of two pins that I thought were worth recreating.  :)   

Inspiration for chart from The New Principal Principles
Quote by William Glasser
My class spends a lot of time those first weeks discussing how we learn and why we do things a certain way (routines and all that).  I'm one of those people that need to know the importance behind why we do things, and I like to pass on that information to my students.  I really feel it gives the students ownership in their learning.  Even if my students won't understand percentages right away, this top chart will show them that it makes a big difference to be active in their learning. 
Inspiration for chart from Teacher Trap
As for grades, this is the first year of letter grades and it's a doozy of a transition - for both students and families, especially if the child is the oldest in their household.  A little reminder that grades are more than just what you comprehend, that effort is also required to earn those top percentages.  

I wanted to share these, just in case you haven't seen the original pins on Pinterest.   

Hope you have had a great day!  

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