September 10, 2016

Happy Birthday California

You know when you get a hair brain idea and decide to run with it?  Yeah, I did that yesterday....

It started out with knowing it was time to create our region maps of California - we have finished the unit and need to move onto Native tribes next.  I decided to tackle the project on Friday, which happened to be California's birthday.  I sent home the note to my families earlier on in the week asking for 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of salt to be sent in by Thursday.... then I decided to throw a birthday party...  

Up before dawn to go grab donut holes, blow up balloons, hang streamers in the room and outside on our ramp.  It looked festive and I was pretty proud of myself. :) The look on their faces made it worth it.   Amazing what a little decorations can do to make the day special, I even made myself a shirt to celebrate the day.    

We tackled the salt dough maps outside, then they dried in the sun all day...

We played a few games in between our normal Friday tests, sang Happy Birthday to California, had the treats, did a California coloring sheet, turned on the disco ball, and they even had a party favor - their first homework pass of the year.

It was the perfect end to a pretty perfect week.  I hope you had a great week too!

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