March 8, 2021

Current Classroom Layout - Planning for Hybrid Concurrent

I think this will work.  Chairs have to be spaced out at least 4 feet. This is more than that.  In each "pod" only one person will be seated per day.  A, B... in one row, then B, A... in the next.  So kids sitting diagonal to each other. Kids will have their own desk to keep their stuff... but their stuff will be limited because most days of the week they are still logging on from home.  Max 2-3 kids would be walking down an aisle at a time.  I don't need this many groups of desks, at least a quarter of my class has chosen distance learning full time right now.  I may only have 10 kids in here with me at a time, the other 18 will be online.  Each desk will have a shield - that’s on it way. 

In the front of the room I have my cart and a table to keep me organized and keep all the tech handy. I've used the table all year for my station. The leftover desks provide a pathway into the room.  I'm thinking of using it as a water bottle station. I moved most of the extras to the side and back to get more space between desks. The table, cart, and extra desks up front make a teacher area that only I will be allowed.  I can't go in their area, and they can't go in mine.  I have to stay 6 feet away.  

I have most of my decorations put away. It's still pretty bare in here.  I don't know yet what I'm allowed to have out when they come. I hope this works. I need it to become more welcoming.

How am I supposed to do this again? Any tidbits would be welcome.  Thank you!

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