September 10, 2012

Classroom Pictures as of 12:40 This Afternoon

First things first - did you enter my giveaway?

Now onto the real reason I posted...
At lunch today I wasn't feeling good.  Something is going through the staff and I just wanted to sleep during lunch - of course I didn't, but I did hide in my dark classroom to just relax (and then took pictures).  I have one of the last lunches of the day, and with an early dismissal at 1:30 I just tried to make it until the kids went home - then I clocked out before the staff meeting and went home to take a nap.  What a difference sleep makes.

So, over the past month of school some of the things that I created this past summer are working wonderfully, and others had to be changed.  Here's what's working for me.  
 My making connections poster is something that I use every Monday morning.  We preview the story and I just use post it notes to stick on my poster.  The kids write their connections in their composition book behind their vocabulary definitions.
 After reading time (which happens to be right before lunch) we have our first choice time of Daily 5.  I guess my picture didn't include the choices that I wrote on the board.  The kids took their numbers (these numbers are from the Math It Up board that someone wonderful posted - and I can't remember who it was) and make their choice.  Today their choices were Listen to Reading on the MP3 players, Computers - AR tests and Internet 4 Classrooms, Boggle (Word Work), and Work on Writing (if they hadn't finished their personal narrative from last week).  Some of my students were gone to music - so that's why I'm missing some of my 32 numbers... yes, 32...
 Kids love the Bucket Filler area.  By the end of the week it will be filled with kind notes - they collect them out on Friday afternoons.  
 In the back of my room I have 4 cabinet doors.  On this one I have Sentence Starters specifically for my ELL learners.  On our inservice day we had a presentation and one of my coworkers typed up the different responses for us to post.  
 Then I have a couple of Word Work things posted all week long - this cabinet has our Spelling patterns for them to add to the lists in their binders.  It's from Ladybug's Teacher Files.
 This cabinet has my Boggle Board.  Remember how I made a cute one this summer with alphabet flashcards?  Well it didn't work space wise in the classroom.  So I made up a grid, laminated it, and stuck it on the cabinet.  Now every Friday afternoon I change it for the next week.  This week we are reading "Escape" - part of the story of Charlotte's Web, so I chose the letters that will make up Farm Animals from that Boggle website that I posted about way back when.  In their binders they have a Boggle sheet in a sheet protector that they write on with their dry erase markers.  On Fridays we see who came up with the most amount of words.  
 Next to Boggle I have a version of Math It Up.  Same thing - not much room to display my big tri-fold.  Live and Learn... I just write numbers on the grid on Monday, and they can use the different operations to come up with as many problems as possible.  
 Here's my back wall with pictures - if you see something creative on the wall pictures that you like it's most likely from Ladybug's Teacher Files - I also added those pull out drawers on the work table.
 We finished up Unit 1 of Social Studies, so now we are onto our first unit of Science - the pocket chart changes with the different vocabulary words of the unit.
 Then here is my VOICES board that I showed you last week.  See, lots of PIES.  
 Here are our Region Maps - you can't see the cute colored paper on the backing because they take up the entire board... the entire board... I just realized that I hung one of their maps upside down on the wall, or else they painted on the wrong side of CA.  
 I love my mirror - it has also helped when I have to check my teeth for lettuce.  :)  The kids are really good at moving their magnets and taking a clothespin when they leave.  
 I decided to use post it notes on my calendar - even more of a time saver.  
 I used to have my birthday dicuts in a pocket chart, but then I couldn't see all the names... so now they are just stapled up.

Yes, lots of pictures - it was a photo dump type of day.  Hope you are having a good one!  



  1. I wish I had enough walls for all of this!

  2. I noticed you mentioned AR Tests. Do you keep track of your student's AR points on any kind of chart in class?

    1. I used to have paper gumball machines that I would add round stickers to keep track of points - then I started Daily 5/VOICES and my extra bulletin board space went away. At this point in time I don't have a chart posted, but I do update their charts in their Friday folders, and at the end of each month I announce the top point winners for the month.

  3. I really like your sentence starters for kids that are stuck. Do you have this in a file somewhere or a pic of all of them? The bottom is cut off. Great ideas in your classroom. Thanks for sharing!


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!