September 8, 2012

Giveaway Time - Almost 250!

I think I can... I think I can....

It's another giveaway to (cross my fingers) get this little blog up to 250!

I'm loving all the things I've been finding on Teachers Pay Teachers and Teacher's Notebook - so it's the same type of thing as last time.  

$10 to hopefully help you out!

Follow the blog, Be a Fan on Facebook, Talk to me in a comment, or Mention me on your own blog.  Just help me get to 250 please.  :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
When you win let me know what type of gift card would be best for you!

Good luck - you have 1 week!


  1. I have a stained glass leaf art with crayon and oil that I do every year.
    Stop on by and enter my laminator Giveaway.

    Yearn to Learn Blog

  2. I give each student a pumpkin and have them do a descriptive writing about the pumpkin.

  3. Sweet giveaway Emily...:)Good luCk getting to 250!

    Keep Calm & Imagine

  4. Carve a pumpkin in class. Surprising how many have never done that!

  5. With my students, we estimate the amount of seeds in a pumpkin, and then count them. We also discuss the life cycle of a pumpkin.

  6. I like using a big pumpkin for math studies. Good Luck with getting to 250!

  7. My favorite fall activity is our Pumpkin Investigations that we do around Halloween. We do math and science investigations, like circumference of a pumpkin, seed estimating, sink and float, etc. It's so much fun for the kids!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  8. Looks like fall = pumpkin time! haha We do "Pumpkin Biographies" in October! They are so much fun!! Congrats on (almost!) 250!!

    Lessons with Laughter

  9. We made "Pumpkin Pie in a Cup" last year and wrote a how-to about it. The kids loved it! You're at 245-- almost there! I'm stuck at around the same number. =)

    Third Grade in the First State

  10. My favorite fall activity is taking my 4th graders on a hike in the woods on our school property. There is also a creek and pond on the property and the kids love finding crayfish (that is our first fall science kit) and other wildlife!!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  11. Fall is my favorite time of year!!!! Our favorite activity is carving pumpkins and writing a how to story about it!!!
    Great giveaway!!!

  12. My favorite autumn activity happens during Thanksgiving! We make "I am thankful for..." placemats and then I laminate them so that the students can use them as real placemats during our "Family Feast" (known as a holiday party...any excuse to have snacks with the kiddos)

  13. I love canoe haikus! Our grade level visits a nearby lake for a "watershed day" and do things like test water quality, role play, so on. When we return, students write a haiku about nature and decorate a construction paper canoe with Native American symbols. So fun to read! And I love the beautiful fall colors we observe on our trip!

    Young Daze in 5th Grade


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!