December 2, 2012

Currently and 3,2,1

It's already December?!?  Today I'm linking up with Farley to share what I am currently doing.

When it's raining outside I become a slacker.  I want my sweatpants, a cup of hot tea, and my Kindle or a Lifetime/ABC Family Christmas movie.  Instead, I am in damp pants from running in from church, gazing at the piles of to do lists that need to somehow become accomplished before Once Upon a Time comes on tonight.  It will get done... somehow...

In other news - I know the past 3 weeks I've done my 3, 2, 1 on Sundays - but I'm really not in the talkative mood today.  I did accomplish my goals this past week - that's a good thing, right?

So here is today's fast version:

3 goals...

*School Goal:  I need to get all my last minute grades entered tomorrow so I can print my progress reports on Tuesday.  How is already the middle of the 2nd trimester already?

*Home Goal:  I want to start wrapping all the gifts that are at present in black garbage bags in the garage.  I tend to always wait until the last minute and then I get overwhelmed and stressed to the max. 

Personal Goal:  I started up my TPT store yesterday, mainly to be able to easily share all those Google Docs that I have linked to the past months.  I want it easy for others to access, which seems to be the point.  I'm in the process of moving everything over and adding more of things that are on my hard drive.  I want to get that accomplished this next week.  Head on over and follow me!

2 things I'm looking forward to...

*I'm looking forward to my 3rd grade son's Winter Concert this coming Thursday night.  At the beginning of the school year he asked to be in choir - which surprised me - after he started attending he said he mainly wanted to join because he could carol in the classrooms during a school day.  He really does enjoy it.

*I'm also looking forward to our school's Winter Wonderland this coming Friday night.  It's a fun time, but it's also a fundraiser for the different grade levels.  My grade level team will be selling gatorade and our craft is decorating tiles with metallic sharpies.  We did the craft with our students last year for Mother's Day and they really enjoyed it.  As we can get the tiles for 16 cents each at Home Depot, and we are going to sell them for $2.00 - we should make some money for our upcoming field trip and to do some enrichment activities.  That's the hope.  

1 thing I want to try...

Last week I wanted to try the Easy Button - and my kiddos LOVED it!  We had that little magic button going all over the classroom - from when they came up to the board to solve division problems, to when they passed their AR tests - it was constantly talking.  

This week I want to fit in some type of art project during the craziness of trying to finish so much other stuff at school.  I posted about it yesterday - all those pins that I can't wait to try.  

Have a great week!


  1. I found your blog from Faithfully in First, and I'm glad I did. I love your 3,2,1 idea! I am your newest follower :)

  2. I found your blog from Farley's link up.........congrats on starting up your TPT store!

    Kindergarten Kel

  3. I am your newest follower thanks to Farley and her rule of 3. I think we were made to be friends because my favorite color is PINK (I have a family blog called pinks my ink and my email has the same name!) and I am an avid reader, but just don't have the time (unless I read at 2 in the morning). I too dream of a clean home, but I don't want any time take away from my family and dare I say... blogging, lol, so I watch the dust float around. I hope you visit me over at my blog and we can be blogging buds forever!

  4. I LOVE your 3,2,1 idea. That is a great way to set up your week with some positives. Does it help you complete them as well when you post them on your blog? I found you from Farley's link up!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry! I am a new follower! I found your blog through Farley's Currently!
    Second Grade is Out of This World


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