December 1, 2012

Tis the Season (Pins)

The countdown is on until Christmas break - 10 days... as my Dad says, "You could stand on your head for 10 days!"  Not that I could actually stand on my head anymore, but it's kind of nice to think that my Dad has that confidence in me.  :)  Well, I guess the countdown actually started last Monday when we got back from Thanksgiving vacation, but now that it's officially December 1st - I'm full speed ahead.

I have so many projects going at the moment (Traditions, Idioms, Missions, Rocks & Minerals, Owl Pellets, Medicine Unit, Chocolate Fever, etc) that I almost feel like I can't add anything more without something going completely wrong.  BUT (and it's a BIG BUT) I love this season in the classroom.  It's almost magical how everything always works out exactly how it should.

I really want to try these toilet roll characters...  
toilet paper rolls

or these penguins... though I guess I could save the penguins until January...
Great project! Penguins made out of water bottles!

I would also like to tackle this art project with the kids, though I don't exactly know when yet...
4th grade

Or these heart trees...

Heart Christmas trees

Or these name lights... (I did this one last year with my students and they loved it.)

Kid's names as Christmas lights to decorate classroom

These math packs are already printed off and laminated...
Holiday Hoopla Math Centers

Christmas Math Pack for Older Kids

and I'm still deciding exactly what gift students should make for their parents.  We are decorating tiles at  the school Winter Wonderland this coming Friday night (which was originally what I was going to do with my own class) - so I don't know if I could still do it with my kids or if I should do something else...they will be bringing home their Traditions book as a definite.

What little gift do your students make?

Click any of the links above to head to Pinterest and to the websites from which they came.  

Happy Saturday!

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