December 31, 2012

It's Currently January (in 6 hours 10 minutes)

Happy New Year to YOU!!

Growing up New Year's Eve was always special.  My parents would let us stay up, we'd watch movies, fill out our brand new calendars with the family birthdays, and head out to bang on pots and pans in our front yard when New York celebrated (9 pm our time).  

With my boys we try to do that same type of thing - minus the pots and pans because now as an adult I would be so embarrassed about my kids annoying the neighbors.  Of course they don't mind annoying us with setting off fireworks at the "real" midnight... yes... really... my dog LOVES it when they do that (GRRR).

Anyway - Farley is hosting her monthly Currently and I want to link up.  I know, I know... so many linky parties lately!  Really though, until I'm back in school on Wednesday there really isn't anything school related to talk about, and I want to talk to someone.

Listening - to complete quiet.  It's so peaceful right now I could fall asleep.  Maybe I should be sleeping... My boys are with my husband in the garage designing/building/painting their Pinewood Derby cars.  They joined Cub Scouts this past fall and this is one of the big deals of the year.  I'm supposed to be making dinner at the moment, but instead I'm sitting here talking to you. :)  Priorities!

Loving - My Life - everything about it.  I'm blessed.

Thinking - Yes, there is a big mess behind my computer chair all over the Family Room floor that perhaps I should be cleaning up... but I'm not, and I'm okay with it.  

Wanting - to finish my book.  I've downloaded so many free books on my Kindle over break (Pixel of Ink, Inspired Reads, Amazon Free Kindle Books), and I just keep averaging 1 - 2 days per book.  It's been a wonderful vacation of staying up late reading.  

Needing - to grade those assessments I brought home.  I brought an entire bag of stuff that I still haven't touched yet.  I've done a lot and created a bunch for school - so it all evens out, right?!?

One Little Word - Content.  I am content.  I am at peace.  I am happy with my life.  Of course there are things I would love to modify (clothes size being one), but overall I am content with my life.

Now go link up! 


  1. I just found your blog through Currently. I have spent most of my vacation reading also. It's nice to have the extra time to read and write.

    1. It is so nice to sit and read... not that it happens during the day so much, but once the boys go to sleep I will stay up super late. I love vacation!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I am in the same boat as you. My school bag is sitting in the exact same spot that I dropped it the day break started! Thinking I should maybe pick that up soon.. I say go for the pots & pans. Hey if the neighbors can set off fireworks, why can't you and your boys have a little fun banging on pots & pans?? Cheers to the New Year!

    Primary Teacherhood

    1. Maybe I should let them go out with pans... it's the neighbors behind us that set them off at the park across the street. Last year was BAD! I was so ticked off since my boys had been sleeping for hours at that point and my toddler was still a baby... this year our puppy didn't handle 4th of July well (we had to give her medicine), so I'm hoping they won't like past years...

  3. 9 books! Awesome! My kindle sits on my shelf, calling out to me! I've had a wonderful vacation, but a very busy one. I need a vacation to recover from my vacation!

    I have a lovely stack of school papers - and they are still neatly in my bag where I diligently packed them on Friday before break :)

    Joy in the Journey

    1. At least your papers are in a neat pile - I just shoved mine in as I was trying to run out of the classroom :) Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Oooh,....quiet? I am so jealous!! Of course, I need to clean, too....we still haven't boxed up Christmas stuff =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

    1. We usually don't take down Christmas until after the New Year - but since school starts back up on Jan. 2nd (WAH!) I wanted at least a day of doing nothing... that hasn't happened yet though.

  5. Emily....I enjoyed reading your Currently! I think you and I would get along great in real life too! I always enjoy reading your blog! Have a blessed and happy new year!

    Keep Calm & Imagine

    1. I love your blog too. Thanks for the encouragement!

  6. You made me smile :). I found you after you found me.. Lol... I love your reference to Pinewood Derby cars. All of us girls at church used to hate getting left out, so they ended up allowing us to race, too. More than once, we beat the boys. I'm impressed by your reading. That's what I did last year. This year, I created. Creating should definitely outweigh papers. I'm convinced creating is a synonym for grading/planning... I'm your newest follower once I switch from my iPad to the computer :)

    1. Thanks! I just found out that the boys weren't really doing their cars in the garage... they were supposed to, but instead they have been rolling around on the front lawn. I didn't hear them though so it was still nice and peaceful. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I'm sure you all will be happy to know that I did finally make dinner... I let the boys choose anything they wanted for their last dinner of 2012. One had frozen waffles, another had left over mac and cheese, another had cereal.


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