December 31, 2012

My First 12 Posts and Favorite NYE Pins for the Family Tonight

I'm linking up with Lorraine to share my 1st twelve posts of 2012 and then some of my favorite NYE pins that my boys tackled last year.  Since I didn't start the blog until mid May (and those first posts were moving school things over from my home blog) and I didn't turn on the follower button until late summer - well, there is a good chance you haven't read them.  

Here you go if you are interested :)

1st post - Welcome to my Classroom
Just a post about my background.

2nd post - Open House Memory Book
My class was putting together their memory books before Open House.

3rd post - I Love Vistaprint
My order had just arrived and I took A LOT of pictures to share.

4th post - Mission Mania (Pictures and Write Up)
My family had visited the San Luis Obispo Mission and I uploaded some pictures and my Mission Report.

5th post - Field Trip Checklist
It was the night before the BIG trip to Sacramento and I was packing my field trip backpack.  This post has my checklist.

6th post - Sacramento Field Trip
Just a post what we did when we were up there.

7th post - Countdown to Summer.  10 Days to Go!!
I shared my paper chain countdown that the kids write their top memories of the year.

8th post - My Bucket Filler Area
This is my bulletin board area from last year and what I do to "fill buckets" in my classroom.  

9th post - Weaving with Students
This was an activity that I was reminiscing about from when my class tackled weaving after learning about Native Californians.  

10th post - Welcome to 4th Grade Brochures (Student Made)
At the end of the year my students create brochures to pass onto the incoming 4th grade class about what to expect in my classroom and for 4th grade.  We then give them to the 3rd grade teachers to share.  

11th post - Paper Diorama
My coworker had taught me (after 12 years of teaching) how to fold a paper to create a paper diorama.  I just wanted to share her trick.  

12th post - It's Going to be a Kool Summer
I took an idea from Classroom DIY and shared my version of the silly straw gift for my students.

Thanks for coming along with journey with me!

Hope you have an awesome last day of 2012... We are planning on letting the boys try to stay up until midnight tonight.  Every year we let them try and then we see how long they last.  They haven't made it yet - though last year one of them made it until 11:45.  So close!

Here are some fun pins of NYE activities to do with the kids tonight.  If you click the pictures below they will take you to Pinterest.

Fun things to do with the kids on NYE! (thanks Tara!)
We did this last year - every hour of activities to do.  We started at 6 pm.  
Countdown to New Years - goody bags for each kid per hour with something small (glow sticks, candy, etc.)

New Year's Eve - Milk and Sprinkles Shots.  Definitely will do this tomorrow night!
We did this with egg nog - just dip the rim of the glasses in water then sprinkles before filling.  
Mickey's New Year Wish List (printable) - by Family Fun
These are free printables from Family Fun.  The boys enjoyed them last year.  
Disney New Year's Activity Page - printable

Happy New Years!



  1. So glad you posted your first 12! I definitely never saw them and you have some awesome ideas. Thank you for sharing.

    Mrs. Lyon's Blog - Teaching: The Art of Possibility

  2. I am glad I found you through the linky! I'm your newest follower :)

    Twins, Teaching and Tacos.

  3. Another new follower. Good thing you turned that button on, you have some great ideas!

    And super cute NYE ideas too!!!!

    Hodges Herald

  4. Glad you posted your oldies but goodies! We must not be too too far away from eachother - I live in Northern Nevada, but grew up on the California side of Lake Tahoe. It was fun to see all the California history things I learned in 4th grade! :)

    1. Thanks! I live about an hour from both Sacramento and San Francisco. :)

  5. You have some great posts there! Isn't it fun going through the old posts? Thank you for sharing with us. Have a great New Year!

    Teaching in Room 6

  6. Thanks for posting this. You have a great blog - I like your NYE activities! It was nice going back over my first 12 posts - 2012 was a good year.

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog, and becoming a follower. I am following your blog too.


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!