February 5, 2013

Discipline, Read Alouds, and Fraction Penguins!

It's been this kind of day.  I love my class, I love my class... 
I am just so tired of being tired.

I'm tired of discipling.  I know it's important and I'm not going to be stopping anytime soon, I have the other students in the class to think about - their well being, learning needs, etc... and my own sanity to deal with in addition to the behavior. I think I need to bring out this book again...
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids
We need to revisit it!

My voice is almost gone after today.  Maybe I should blame it on the wind... or yard duty... I don't think I was talking anymore than normal.  I better not be getting sick again! 

This Friday is the end of the trimester - can't believe the longest trimester of the year is coming to a close.  We are busy retaking district math assessments, celebrating Chinese New Year, starting our Survival unit for Reading, and finishing up the read aloud of From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.
Gold Fever

Today in Social Studies we reached the point in history that discusses the Gold Rush.  The kids are excited about learning about it.  I'm excited to have them get started working on their mining journal.  I'll share more about it later - but it's a fun book that they create.
This is Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher's picture - mine looks like it, but of course I forgot to take a picture...
Click to head to her blog for directions.  She has templates.
This week we also have started fractions.  Not just reading fractions, but identifying equivalent fractions, finding simplest form, comparing fractions, etc...  Yesterday my class made Fraction Penguins to begin the unit.  Usually I'm all about creating a pizza, but I just didn't feel like pizza...
Hope you had a great day! 


  1. Oh yay! Thanks for the Gold Fever book suggestion! That'll come for us in about a month! :)
    Ideas By Jivey

    1. My school district provided that book for all the 4th grade teachers as part of our SS curriculum. :) It's a picture book but the kids love it.

  2. Sorry you had a rough day :( I hear ya about the chattiness - I sent that picture to my teaching partner; she's going to get a kick out of it!
    I love "From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler." It's such a fun story - I'm going to be starting it with my kiddos soon.

    Praying for a smoother day tomorrow.

    Joy in the Journey

    1. Overall I have a wonderful class. I just feel so bad that so much our day is redirection for a couple of them. Nothing seems to work!

  3. I am just amazed that some kids don't get tired of hearing themselves talk. I know I do! Seems that nothing I do makes a difference - positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement - doesn't matter! So I'm right there with you :)

    Fifth in the Middle

    1. I have used so many tricks this year and I have to keep changing it up... :/ For someone like me that loves a routine, I'm so tired!

  4. Oh that poster makes me giggle! If only we could control the talkers....I'm sure you are tired!!


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