May 6, 2013

More Open House Bulletin Boards

Hi all,
I put up some more random bulletin boards in my classroom as we are finishing up projects for Open House.  We still have more things to tackle the next couple of days before Thursday night, but the walls are now DONE!  Here is what I've added... and changed...

We made up book recommendations today by using index cards.  Basically they folded an index card almost in half (leaving about a cm), then folded it the other way (also leaving a cm) to create the spine of the book.  On the outside they had to write the title and author of the book (some decided to draw a picture), on the inside is their favorite part, and on the back is their name.  I think they are cuter in person.  

Our kites were on the windows, but today I moved them to flying over the desks.  Since I didn't want a huge amount of kites flying high (plus the backs are blank), I had the neighbors put their kites together and we paper clipped them.  Now we just have 16.  They look so cute - but I also can't wait until Friday morning when we can take them down.  :)  I'm not used to so many things flying above.  

Our Braille names made it onto a pocket chart on my magnetic wall.  I tried these things in different places and they just looked odd.... but they were the perfect size to fit into a pocket chart - so there they will stay.  

Last up is our Literal Idiom wall.  I mentioned these the other day.  They love them.  I stuck them on my Reading Vocabulary Word Wall.

Today also started Teacher Appreciation Week at school (I'm sure you all know).  Our office sent home notes last week with ideas for the kids for each day.   Today was flower day... after my monologue last week with my class I honestly didn't expect much of anything - but I was so surprised.  I guess this firm teacher actually is loved.  :)  

Hope you had a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful displays and flowers! Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!!
    Fun in Room 4B


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