May 5, 2013

Sale, Giveaway, and Giveaway Winners :)

Happy Almost Birthday to ME!  I love the fact that my birthday falls on Teacher Appreciation Week.  

So... I'm joining in on the fun over at TPT and TN for their additional percentage off on May 7th and May 8th.  :)  Just in case you have been waiting for a sale.  
Button by Zip-a-Dee Doo Dah Designs
Over at TPT the extra percentage is with the code TAD13

and over at TN the savings are automatic on any of the sale products (my entire store is on sale 5/7 - 5/8)

The buttons to the different stores are on the side bar - so come visit me!


Then I wanted to share that Holly over at Fourth Grade Flipper is up to 500 followers!  :)

Her giveaway is huge (and I'm lucky enough to be a part of it).


Last, I wanted to let you know that my boys were too busy cleaning their rooms to pick the winner of my Party Game #2 - so I had hubby do the honors.

Congrats Wendy, Karen, and Marcia  - I'll send those things right off to you.  :)  

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