June 29, 2013

Currently (almost) July

I already blogged this morning.  Well, actually I didn't blog - I more linked up over at Kristin and Elizabeth's Organization linky.  Then I went, responded to email (and cleaned out my email box), and then had breakfast & washed the dishes.

I came back to the computer only to find out that Farley  posted Currently EARLY!  I know I follow her on Facebook, and I guess she mentioned it over there, but I guess I haven't been on FB lately.  Oh well!!

So here you go.  My July Currently.  :)  

My boys are happily playing for the moment, I'm enjoying having a PJ morning, and yes - my living room is covered with toys - BUT they are playing happily.  

I would love to go shopping by myself one of these days... being the one that's home with the boys doesn't allow me to go very many places by myself during the summer.  I even have to lock the bathroom door to get a moment of privacy from my 3 year old.

I want to do something fun.  I need to get something on the calendar for July - a day trip or something to look forward to.  

As for a blogging tip - I've learned not to compare myself to others.  I'm me and I'm glad I'm me.  Yes, even without comparing myself to others, sometimes I get stuck on the fact that I'm SO CLOSE to 500 followers...and that will most likely be going away on Monday... but there are more important things in life than a number. :)  I've met some great people, I've been able to have these amazing opportunities, and I still love being a teacher.  I'm thankful for all your support.  :)  

Have a great day!  


  1. Your blog is too cute! I found you on Farley's blog, and I'm your newest follower. Happy weekend!

  2. I think you should treat yourself to a mani/pedi or a shopping day- you deserve it! I'm still in my PJs and it's 1:00pm here- gotta love summer!:)

    iTeach 1:1

  3. Our currently were very similar in some parts. :) How old are your boys?
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. I love PJ days! Lazy Saturdays, I call them. ;-) I was doing the same thing!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow Me On Facebook! :)

  5. I am your newest follower! I have a son as well and I feel the same way about the toys...way too many and I also find it challenging to go shopping by myself and for myself. My son doesn't share the same passion for shopping as me.
    Fun in ECSE

  6. Definitely take a shopping day! I just did that myself-fun!
    Conversations in Literacy


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