June 29, 2013

Optimum Organization: Cords and Sandpails

Saturday (pretend to be an organized person) Time!  Linking up this morning with Kristen & Elizabeth for their weekly linky.

This week I wanted to share 2 little tidbits that worked well this past year.

This pin was floating around last year - it worked brilliant to keep all those cords organized under the computer table and near my teaching cart.  
Not my own picture - but the pin that is floating around Pinterest.  Same idea.
Since that was such a small little thing (of course remembering to save the bagel and sandwich tabs was a big thing), I wanted to share something else that I guess I never took a picture of.

Sand pails

During summer they are super cheap, but they held up to the rigors of life in my classroom.  I have them in my class colors (red, yellow, green, blue) and I stuck labels on them for the different purposes.  I store them throughout the classroom.  

*Centers pail - "Missing Pieces"

*By the door - "Lost and Found"

*On top of the bookshelf I have 3 - "Crayons" pail, "Markers" pail, and "Colored Pencils" pail.

*By the Bucket Filler mailboxes I have 2 - one pail is for index card cards labeled "Someone was a bucket filler when..." and the other one is labeled "Mailbox" for the ones waiting for me to deliver.

*I also have 2 blank ones that have been wonderful for when I need to lug water from the office sink to the classroom for art projects (I don't have water in my portable).  

I got them at the end of the summer stuff - so basically they were 75% off this past summer.  Can you say cheap!?!  The handles are a bonus.

Hope this helped someone!


  1. Sandpails!! What a clever idea! Plus they are so bright and cheerful :) Thanks for linking up with us!

  2. That's a great idea. Why not buy what's in stock and on sale!

    Polka Dots & Teaching Tots

  3. Oh my goodness! So smart and useful ideas :))) I just bought 2 sandpails for my daughter's birthday party and didn't know what to do with them. But, since the colors match my classroom, I know exactly what to do with them now! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And, thanks for linking up with us :)


    Fun in Room 4B

  4. Love the bread tie idea! Definitely need to save some of those tabs!
    On the Trail of Learning


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