August 12, 2014

Funny Moment on the First Day

I don't know how I can look 21 and 56 at the same time.  Most of the guesses yesterday had me in my thirties (which I am 36), but these two are throwing me off.  I did cover up my grays last week, so maybe I do look younger than I am - but an additional 20 years older?  I love these new kiddos!

Back to School Activity Packet : Welcome to 4th Grade

This paper came from the Welcome to 4th Grade packet by Katie Texas.  LOVE this pack, grabbed it last summer.  I don't give the kids the entire pack at one time.  Yesterday they filled out the all about me page, and then this one where they had to make guesses about me & ask me questions.  Those questions I answer during the next few days.  

The other activity pages are in another little packet that they will be working on the rest of this week when we have a free moment. 

Linking this up with Holly's Tried It Tuesday.  


  1. Haha! I always get a kick out of kids trying to guess ages.

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late

  2. This is so cute! I have to check it out for the first week next week. We are both 36! When is your birthday?! Mine is July 2nd. :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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