August 16, 2014

Back to School Night is DONE

This week was a blur.  It was the first week of school - so it was long and extra full of all the beginning of year stuff.  My preps were filled with writing receipts for agendas.  My lunches were full of setting up for the next activity.  My afternoons were filled with running around, getting things organized, and taking care of other responsibilities.  My throat and legs are sore from going non stop over the past 5 days.  :)  I know you can relate!    

This week I had Back to School Night on Thursday.  Back to School night is the Parent Night - we give 2 presentations, each about 25 minutes.  It goes fast... and I talk really fast!

Here's my slide show (minus some personal details):

This year I added a picture of my boys first and foremost into my presentation - I want my families to know that I also have a family that is top priority.

I added this slide that my team mate created about the difference from 
the old standards to the "new" ones.

This year I gave a sample schedule of our weekly homework.  

I also did a have a little chat with parents regarding the importance of deodorant and showers for their 4th graders.  :)

As for their desks, I always load up them with my Back to School Packet (which just goes into depth about the things in the powerpoint) and these Parent Questions.

What kind of things do you add into your BTSN presentation? 


  1. I love your power point and your parent survey! My first week with students starts on Monday! I'm dreading wearing real shoes after spending all summer in flip-flops! I use a parent survey as well and I will need to update my PowerPoint to include Florida's new standards. They are Common Core with a few minor changes and a different name...Florida is silky that way.


  2. It looks great! I'm sure the parents enjoyed it!!
    I noticed that we have a few things in common. My husband and I have been married for 13 years and have 3 boys. There's nothing like being in the "Three boy club". :)
    Mrs.Christy’s Leaping Loopers

  3. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Great blog!


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!