August 17, 2014

Second Chance Sale {Giveaway}

What?!? Another chance to shop over on TPT?  Did you hear the news?  Teachers Pay Teachers is having an ONE DAY ONLY SALE this coming Wednesday to pick up anything you may have forgotten about during the big sale a couple of weeks ago.  Most sellers will be putting their stores at a 20% discount (myself included), and then TPT will take an additional 10% off with the code BOOST. 

Needless to say, I will be shopping again.  :)

Last time, I picked up the Close Reading Concept Posters from Runde's Room.  I love how these are set up and easy for kids to navigate by themselves.  I can't wait to use them during my ELA rotations.

As for my own wish list, I would really like to pick up The Book of Awesome Tasks - brain breaks, indoor recess, or fast finishers from Nicholas Reitz.  There are 48 different tasks included, and I would love to have something easy to go - especially that could be used during Friday PAT and rainy days.  

As for my own store - so many people have been picking up my Whole Class Writing Journal Bundle lately.  It contains directions and 40 covers that are just attached to a notebook - an easy print and glue task.  Students write in the books, writing about a specific topic, and then they can read each other's entries.  I've found these notebooks help develop relationships in the classroom as the kids are learning about each other.  In my own classroom the kids are able to write in them during Work on Writing time and when they finish their weekly writing assignments.  It's a fast finisher tool that I LOVE.  

The sale won't start until Wednesday, but I would love to give away 2 of my Writing Bundles before then.  Just leave a comment below with your email, and I will choose 2 winners Tuesday evening.  :)

What's on your wish list?  See other links over at Jivey's blog!


  1. I would love to win one!

  2. I would love this. It looks great.

  3. This is awesome! Writing is an area that I want to improve in. Would love to win one!

  4. I would love to win! Writing is a subject that I really want to improve. Thank you for the chance to win.

  5. Hi Emily! Your writing journals look great! Students need lots of opportunities to practice. I'd love to enter your drawing. Thank you!
    Heather from Mrs. Renz' Class

  6. Thank goodness for second chances!

  7. I definitely needed this second chance as I just switched grade levels and need a lot of stuff for the new grade!

  8. I would love this writing bundle. It sounds like a great idea to build community and increase writing engagement.

  9. This writing packet looks awesome. Here's hoping....

  10. I would love to win this!

  11. My students absolutely loved the Book of Awesome Tasks! I bet yours will too!
    Grade 4 Buzz

  12. Congrats Monica and Andrea! Check your emails - I just sent it!


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a Have a great day!