August 26, 2014

Revisiting iPad Apps

It's that time of year.  I have so much that I want to share with you, but I keep forgetting to take pictures of the stuff at school... hopefully soon I won't feel like I've fallen off the planet.  I was looking through my old posts, and thought that maybe this reshare of technology would be helpful... Enjoy!

Originally from August 31, 2013

It's that time again - linking up with Joanne over at Head Over Heels for Teaching to share the biggest motivation in my classroom these days.  


Everyday during silent reading and then again during workshop, there is a big silence as I announce whose turn it will be.  

The person chosen must have all their work completed to be able to take their turn.  

They must be on green or higher.

It's a big deal.  

Of course the wireless in my classroom hasn't been working lately (at all this year), so the only thing they can really do on the ipad are the many FREE apps I have found and uploaded.  

The front page (not shown) is all the basic stuff that I use in the classroom - the timer, class dojo, camera, etc...  Then it gets into the fun stuff.  I started out putting them into folders with the different subjects, but a bunch of folders isn't exactly eye catching.

So I moved the folders to their own pages, and started unpacking them.  Some of them have been mixed up, but mainly the first student page right now is Reading/Grammar/Spelling...

The next page is mainly all math.

Then the 3rd student page is Social Studies and Science...

And the fourth page continues on...

I haven't bought any apps yet.  It's all free stuff that my students are eating up.

The kids know they are all educational apps - that they will only get educational stuff from me.  They are loving the choices.  Right now it works out to being 1 or 2 students that get a chance during silent reading time (12-15 minutes), and then another 2-3 during workshop at the end of the day.  So yes, it's taking more than a week to get through everyone, but we're making due (and the kids aren't whining).  

Between the Ipad (skills), the nowboard (whole class), the 9 mp3 players (listening centers), the Kindle Fire (free kid books), and the 2 microphones (fluency), the classroom is a busy technological place.  :)  Love it!  


  1. Thank you for posting this blog post again... I didn't read it the first time so I am learning from you now:) I am teaching sixth grade this year and we now have an ipad cart which holds 40 ipads, so I am learning from my teacher friends as to some "best practices" to implement into our classroom activities with ipads. I like the way you integrating their use into many subjects... that's really smart. I also am incorporating another very smart idea that I learned from another amazing technology- based teacher to teach the basic rules (safety) of ipad rules, and then giving a test and they earn a driver's license that they sign and I sign to be able to "drive" the ipad. This license can also be revoked if needed (hopefully not). Thank you for your post and looking forward to reading more:) Carol from The Teacher Team

  2. These are all such great suggestions. I'm hoping to receive an iPad from Donorschoose. I plan on downloading every single one of these! Thanks.


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