September 2, 2014

Take Pictures!!

The other day I posted the above picture over on Instagram and Facebook, and was surprised by the response.  I thought I was the last one to figure this out, but since obviously I'm not - I wanted to share over here too.  

Are you ready for something so simple... so simple that I didn't think of it the past 14 years of teaching??

My dear teacher friend mentioned that she takes pictures of her answer keys instead of lugging home her teacher editions.  

Stop the presses!!  

Imagine a world of not lugging your teacher editions home... Imagine your back not aching under the weight of the books as you trudge to your car... Imagine your bag straps not breaking... Imagine the feeling of being home, and not spilling your coffee all over the teacher edition... Just imagine...

It's a good feeling and it can be yours.  Just take a picture.  I suggest taking a picture with your iPad (if you have that available) since a larger picture usually works so much better with my tired eyes.  

Seriously though.  Save your back!  



  1. This is a great idea. I try not to lug too much home.

  2. I had never thought of that!! I did, however, take a picture of directions yesterday so I didn't have to keep up with the paper. Thanks for sharing!!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late


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