February 21, 2015

Rainbow Trimester Goals

I can't believe it's already the third trimester.  I mean I totally can feel the ache for summer in my bones, but the fact that it's already the home stretch makes me so happy!

The sunshine was out in full force this past week, at least until Thursday when it was foggy, cloudy, and drizzly... then I wanted the springish weather to come back.  At the beginning of every trimester my kids review their goals, and make new ones.  I have been itching to put up rainbows, so I put the two together.

Now if I give my 4th graders a piece of 9x12 white construction paper and ask them to cut a cloud I know that I will end up with a 4 inch version, definitely not big enough.  I grabbed up some old file folders and cut 10 templates out and the kids traced them before cutting.  The strips are 2 inch by 9 inch pieces (I used a paper cutter on them).

One subject per color, the kids had to come up with their own goals.  I make up some examples of goals, and then the kids went at it.    

Here's what I put on the board to help keep the kids organized, I had to flip around the example rainbow so they could glue on the colors in the correct order... I don't own a yellow whiteboard marker... 

I hung half of them on one side of the room, and half on the other.  It's so easy to place them back to back, and hang them with paperclips.

The kids got to decorate their clouds to personalize them more, so cute!

Do your students share their goals with each other? 

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