February 22, 2015

Relating Fractions to Decimals

Hello!  This past week we have been relating fractions to decimals in my classroom.  It's been a bunch of interchanging between the 2, and the kids are really getting it!  

A couple of days ago I had them do an exit slip by taking an index card and showing hundredths in 4 ways...fraction, decimal, word form, and in a model.  They used their classroom number as the numerator. 

Today we were adding tenths and hundredths, so we played with dice.  This is the type of thing I draw on the board anytime we play with dice.  Every _ is a dice roll.  They filled in the fractions, and then turned it into decimals before adding.  It was a way for them to check both answers.  

Here's an example of them working on their whiteboards... You can see my homemade dice on the ground by her shoe... gotta love round dot stickers.

Then they had a chance to practice adding decimals.  I love LOVE that he is adding horizontally.  

We are moving on with math... just need to compare decimals next week and then take our final NF assessments.  Almost done!  Where are you these days in math?  

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