May 29, 2015

Hello Summer

Today was the last day of school.  The day that I had to say goodbye to another great group of kids.  What a year it has been.  They were so sweet!  Here was the last view of my room today.  I'm officially locked out of it until August.  

As always, I take a bunch of pictures before I head out for summer - I want to remember what I've already prepped, and where I put things.  Going to be honest and show you some of my cupboards (I forgot to take my 4th one, but it's too late now.)

We get an extra rolling cart for summer storage, it helps to have a place to hold the textbooks and all the odds and ends.  This picture will help remind me that my pencil boxes are partly filled for next year, that my Whole Class Writing Journals (top left) are already glued, that I have my classroom folders and homework folders ready to go.  It also reminds me that I need to reprint some of the Partner Plays (from Deb Hanson) that I store in that blue box on the second bottom shelf.  

This is my cart that during the school year keeps all my Teachers Editions.  This summer though it also has all my teacher stuff from my technology cart and whiteboard.  Those crates on the bottom remind me that I have to order more free EII units this summer, and that I need to make some signs for my read aloud crates (second from bottom shelf).  

This cupboard holds all my materials for each subject in each of those tubs.  The ones on top hold my paper products (napkins, plastic spoons, paper plates, bowls, etc).  Then I have a tub for each Reading (Stories Visuals), Science, SS, Art projects, Index Cards, and movies (separated out by ones that we watch for curriculum vs. the rainy day recess options).  The crates on the bottom are paper needs - folders, etc.  I have all my desk stuff tucked in the random openings as well since everything is cleaned off for summer.  This reminds me that I need to restock my index cards this summer, and that I already have a tons of binder paper, copy paper, and kleenex to start the year.

Now I also took pictures of a few of my file cabinet drawers.  Most of my copies for next year are already prepped.  This top picture reminds me that I have my ELA assessment copies all ready to go, and that I have already prepped the assessments for my read alouds.  

I also have my weekly comprehension stories ready to go.

This final one reminds me that my Math Quick Checks are all printed off.  

Do you take pictures in your room before you leave for summer?  It is so handy!  

Hope you had a great day!

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful idea!! Since I will be packing up this week I think I will take your advice and take pictures of where everything is!



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