May 30, 2015

Shhh! I'm hiding!!

First Day of Summer over here, and this morning I kept the boys hopping from activity to activity.  They were allowed to watch a show after they cleaned their bathroom, allowed to play with the Hot Wheel track after they emptied the dishwasher, etc... They got so much accomplished and even had time to pull out all the FisherPrice stuff and build a Spiderman sheet fort!  Now they are watching an afternoon movie (we have a bunch of these during the summer) so I have time to do what I want to do...

#1 Happy Moment of Summer Break:  Refilling my Kindle with books to read!  I always check out the FREE books over on Amazon.  It's using the sort bar on the left, and then changing it to Price: Low to High.  There are always tons of free ones that I haven't yet read.

#2 - Catching Up on BlogLovin and Blogger Reading List. 

It's so sad.  I love to blog, but haven't been able to sit for long to actually read my people for extended times.  It's been a happy day around here, combine with that I was still in my PJs until 15 minutes ago (it's 2:20pm).  

#3 Netflix

Hubby and I have started rewatching Alias.  LOVE that show and it's been a while since we went through it.  We started watching it when we were engaged way back when... even had a red fish named Sydney at one time.  It's going to be a good summer!

I do have a tons of projects I want to complete both on the home and school fronts, but at least I feel the house is back to being decent after the hectic week.  I look forward to sharing them over here.  There is time for everything else.  It's Summer!

Hope you are having a fabulous day!


  1. I love Alias!!! Enjoy the summer.

  2. Ahhh! Summer!! I only have one week to go until I join you! This year has been quite a challenge with all the new changes in Florida with full implementation of the new Florida Standards, which are The Common Core Standards with a few minor changes in wording! I felt so inadequate as a teacher this year...Hard to Blog about the fact you don't know what's going on! HA! I've been hiding all year long! I'm ready to recharge and catch my breath! Enjoy! Can't wait to catch up and reconnect with my Blogging Friends!



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