June 27, 2015

3-2-1 Teacher Bio

Good morning!  Today I'm linking up with Bright Concepts 4 Teachers to share a little about me. :)   

Pretty self explanatory... In life (not just in my classroom) I like to be in charge.  I like to know what's going to happen, I don't like surprises.  I like to plan out my lessons and know what the outcome will be.  I will do the same thing for years if I know it works.  If it doesn't, then I toss it.  

Respect... Yeah.  If I'm talking, a student should not be talking.  If another student is talking, then we are all quiet and respectful.  If someone's feelings get hurt, then there needs to be an apology - even if it was an accident.  If your desk is a mess, then you need to respect yourself to clean it up... you can't do your best work when you are distracted by all the clutter.  We respect each other by not lying to each other, not hurting each other's feelings, maintaining a safe environment, etc.  It's all about respect with me.

I didn't really talk before college.  I have always been super shy, and even though I like to be in control of the situation, I didn't want to take the leader role.  I was afraid of hurting someone's feelings, I was super unsure about myself.  College was when I really came into my own.  Maybe it's because it's when I finally started taking those education classes and learning to become a teacher?  Don't know...   Growing up I had friends, but I LOVE to read.  I was one that my family had to physically shake me to get me out of my reading induced coma.  I love making the movies in my head, still do - but with 3 kids there isn't as much time during the school year.  Already this summer, in the past 4 weeks, I've read 11 fiction and 1 nonfiction.  Life is good when you have a book.

In high school I took 4 years of French.  We only needed to take 3 years, but my teacher said that if we took 4 she would take us to France during our senior year.  It was her thing to do with the seniors and she did it every year.  I saved money for the trip, and then family issues caused her to have to cancel the summer that I was to go.  My dad's family (way back when) came from France.  Someday...  

Thanks for stopping by!  What's on your bucket list?
  I hope you have a great day!


  1. Thank you for linking up with us for this month's installment of Weekend Warriors! I agree with you completely on respect in the classroom. Your examples are spot on. I hope you make it to France one of these days! I enjoyed learning more about you!

    Primarily Speaking

  2. I am definitely an introvert as well as a planner. I feel like those two qualities go hand-in-hand. :-)

  3. So glad you linked up with us! That is amazing that you've read so many books this summer! I love to read, but I think I'm a slow reader. My goal is always to read at least one fun book and one PD book during the summer.

    The Super Sparkly Teacher

  4. Your Teacher Me sounds a lot like me! I'm not a huge fan of surprises either though I've learned to improvise on a moments notice over the years. It was great to learn a little bit about you! I hope you get to take that trip to France. Thanks for linking up with us!
    Always Kindergarten

  5. I'm a planner too! I totally agree about respect in the classroom. I hope you make it to France soon! Thanks for linking up with us!!

    A Sunny Day in First Grade

  6. Emily is was so great getting to know a little bit about you today! Thanks so much for joining our linky party and we hope to have you back next month!!

  7. Go to France - their crepes are amazing and the sandwiches you can buy from street vendors are to die for!!! I am with you on the respect thing - it's number one for me in my classroom!

    ☘ Molly
    Lucky to Be in First

  8. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is SO important to me too! I'm such a planner and control freak in many ways! Thank you for joining us this month and sharing a little bit about yourself. -Jaime

  9. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is SO important to me too! I'm such a planner and control freak in many ways! Thank you for joining us this month and sharing a little bit about yourself. -Jaime

  10. I felt like I was reading 2 things about myself. I think I come off as rude, sometimes, because I'm so shy around adults. I think it's gotten better but I definitely need to continue working on it. I LOVE to read, it is absolutely a movie in my head. So glad to hear there are others like that out there.
    Polka Dot Palace

  11. Loved reading all about you!! France is DEFINITELY a place to visit! One of my favorite cities is Paris. <3 Are you going to Vegas? If so, let's practice our French!! :)

    Sailing into Second


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