June 26, 2015

5 for Friday - Summer Version

Week 4 of vacation is over...  WAAAHHH!  I'm having a hard time that my summer is halfway over.  Linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching to share 5 happy things from this past week.  

One: Late Father's Day Celebration

My entire life Dad has been the one that is behind the camera.  Now he gets to be in front of it with his new selfie stick.  It's the little things people!  

Two:  Donors Choose!

A week ago I submitted 2 projects over at Donors Choose.  My Scholastic project was funded in one week.  I'm so thankful!  I have another project, It's Okay to Wiggle, that I still need help with.  $87 to go!  I'm trying to get 7 Wobble Cushions that will help my students with focus issues.  Can you help?  If you donate, please email me with your Donors Choose user name, and I'll send you a thank you present! 

Three: Target Craziness!

I have big feet.  I blame my boys for them as they grew 1/2 size during each of my pregnancies and never shrunk.  I also know that I can hardly ever find shoes in my size in the stores.  So to find so many options of Sketchers Sports (most comfortable shoe ever) for 50% off, I was definitely in my happy place!  I only bought 2 pair, but still!!!

Four: Dollar Bowling

Our local Bowling Alley hosts Dollar Days.  We took the boys this past Wednesday and my youngest bowled for the first time.  It was absolutely hilarious.  I can say that because I'm their mom, my boys really have no skills at this point in time.  Someday they might join a league, but it was my family that kept the employee running down the lane to fix all the issues.  2 of them threw the ball into the gutter, even with the rails up.  2 of them also caused the ball to just completely stop on the roll down the lane - just stopped completing in the middle...  It was so funny and embarrassing at the same time.  

Five: She Reads Truth


I didn't know about She Reads Truth before June 1st.  I'm so glad that I saw people posting pictures over on IG.  It's a daily devotional, this month is all about Women of the Old Testament.  I'm learning so much, many different views on the same scriptures I have read over the years.  Just wanted to share if you are looking for something to read this summer.  

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Getting projects funded on Donorschoose is AWESOME! Instant happiness, right!? Congrats! I haven't been bowling in so long! You make me want to go! Love your blog, it is precious!


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