June 16, 2015

Donors Choose isn't Scary!!

Tried it Tuesday with Fourth Grade Flipper!  I have been asked by teachers that I work with to help them set up a project on Donor's Choose.  Let me stop right here and tell you that it is NOT Scary to create a project.  I've had 4 of them fulfilled (and others that weren't funded in time), but am I sad about it - Not at all!  

Now what have I asked for?  I have asked for nonfiction books, an iPad, Boogie Boards, a class set of fiction read aloud books, book boxes for my classroom library, etc... It's the whole saying that it doesn't hurt to ask, and if you are really in need then it's a wonderful opportunity to really ask for the moon.  Who knows, you might just get it.

The other night I set up a new project that I hope will be funded in time for school to start.  Yes, you can still ask for things in the summer.  If they are funded you won't get them until it's Back to School time, but they come right away.  (My iPad was delivered the Teacher Work Day at the beginning of the year.)  Here are some screen shots of my new project.  I'm here to prove that it isn't scary. 

First up, log in to you account.  Then click projects and find this button of "Create a Project."

It'll ask you to make up a title.

These points are important.  You can use them, and then when your wish is granted you can earn more by completing your thank you packages on time.  
Then you get to go shopping. They have tons of stores to choose from - even Amazon!  I really really really want a class set of Scholastic News for my new class, so I chose Scholastic.  

Then you load up the cart - and it's a special Donors Choose cart and check out.  The check out page looks like below.  

After the check out page you are directed back to Donors Choose to Tell Your Story.  There are different paragraphs with prompts and examples and you share about your classroom, your students (not personal information), your school (again, no personal information), and why exactly you need those items.

When done you click the button and it will ask you to Review and Submit your project.  

From there the company will review it and send you an email when it's published.  At that point you take the link they send and share it with your family, friends, coworkers, student families, etc. in order to get it funded as soon as possible.  Projects are not on the site forever, there is a due date that is about 4 months into the future.  This project will expire in October.  

I hope this helps!  

1 comment:

  1. I have used Donors Choose in the past and you're right! It's NOT scary! I haven't submitted a project all year but this just got me thinking for next year. Thanks for linking up, friend! XXOO
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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