June 15, 2015

Monday Made It: Freebie, Planner, and Bulletin Board

You might have heard me mention Novel Notes this past week as I was brainstorming my novel studies for this next year.  I decided to type up a template that will help me show my kids what it's supposed to look like.  :)  It's my newest product over in my store and it's FREE!  

Here are some pictures of how it's set up:

Easy as pie!  Now I want pie...

I set up my new lesson planner.  Entered the dates, holidays, yard duty stickers, progress report/report card information, etc... I grabbed this adhesive polkadot ribbon at Michael's and used it to block off the holiday weeks (Thanksgiving, Christmas vacation, and Easter).  One of the biggest things that helped me last year was using washi tape on the bottom right corners of the planning pages to divide up the trimesters.  It was a visual way to see how much more time was left until the next report card.  

I bought this adorable polkadot card stock at Michaels this past week and have been using it for a variety of different projects.  This stack of 32 laminated pieces will be used for my student writing wall.  Every year I use card stock to showcase my students' work (every student has their own space, and it helps me to remember who still needs to finish the project). Every August I have to replace it.  I noticed that my teammate laminated her card stock and never has had to redo it, so I'm copying her this coming year.  She has the 4 corners stapled on the wall, and uses a large paper clip to hold the work onto the paper.  It wasn't the most glamorous of my Monday Made It projects, but it is very practical.  I guess that pretty much describes my week... very practical (with a side of polkadot too). 

Go check out the other link ups over at 4th Grade Frolics!  Hope you have a great week!


  1. I really like the idea of using the washi tape in your planner/calendar to help visually block off the different sections. It is much more attractive that the long, wobbly lines I draw in to denote holidays!
    Storybook Endings in Second

  2. Great ideas Emily! I use an online planbook, but have a personal planner. I've never gotten into the washi tape, but I'm seeing it more and more, and I love the idea of dividing up the semesters. That will help with my own kids, especially my high schooler who is working on an AP Capstone diploma and needs to make sure she organizes her time next year.
    Thanks BBB!
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  3. 3 great ideas in one post! I will be sharing the Novel Notes with my ELA team teacher, head over to Michaels for washi tape and cute card stock, last stop WalMart for 100 count box of laminating sheets :) I have so much to do!


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