June 22, 2015

Monday Made It: Summer, Home, Business, and Health

Monday Made It time with Tara yet again!  Let me start off by letting you know that this past week was BUSY!   Here's what I made... (Warning - a lot of pictures!)

First up - Summer Stuff

We ventured away from home over to our home away from home - Pismo Beach.  Hubby had his birthday, and I got him a selfie stick.  We MADE time for our family.  I MADE time to take a break from the computer, breathe the sea air, stick my feet in the sand, and sit still enough to watch whales playing in the ocean.  

I MADE time to be goofy with my kids. 

I MADE time to fly a kite.

I MADE my kids visit historic buildings - missions and towns, etc... I MADE them take this picture (and a bunch of others).  They love me though.  <3. 

... and after eating treats for the majority of the week, I MADE myself pull out my motivation jars and put them in a place to view constantly.  Honestly, I still need to bump the "Lost" marbles back over to the "Pounds" jar.  This was a Monday Made It a couple of years ago, made with 2 glass jars and some silver alphabet stickers from Michaels.  

Made It #3 is all about business stuff.  It's still weird to think of this little blog... (and store, FB page, IG page, Pinterest account, etc.) as a business, but since I've paid taxes on it the past 2 years I guess I need to change my mindset sooner than later.  

I set up my 2 binders - one for the upcoming conference and a new one for the blog/store. 

The conference one I used a cover frame from Lovin Lit and added information to create different dividers - one for each session I'm attending, another one for my schedule, another section for business cards, and another for activities I would like to do in Vegas.  Just like last week's school binders, I cut them out, glued them onto the polkadot card stock.   

I also printed out all my handouts, and put them inside the binder.  I'm so excited about this upcoming  trip! 

For the blog binder, I've used one for the last couple of years to hold all my TPT information, but I heard many many people sharing about the planner from Mandy.  I bought the digital version and it was an easy print.  LOVE all the boxes!  It has already helped so much, as this past week I started in on the #TPTSellersChallenge.  

The goal was to update something in our TPT Stores, I started out and so far I've updated about 18 things - some with just new covers, some with extra pages, just tweaking things to make it more me.

Monday Made It #4 - Home Stuff

This last week we decided to refinish our kitchen table.  Time wise it worked out great to do this the weekend before we left on vacation, as the varnish we bought needed at least 3 days of no touching before it could be used.  We were gone, no little fingers to worry about.  I'm embarrassed about how bad it was, so I didn't bother taking a before picture.  So happy with the after results.  

It's so shiny!

This last thing probably isn't a big deal to anyone else, but I also repurposed a hang up laundry basket for our collection of empty water bottles.  It now hangs on a hanger on the outside of our shower.  Easy to catch all the random bottles that end up upstairs, and easy to bring downstairs when it gets full.

Okay, I'm done babbling.  I hope you have a fabulous day! 

PS. - I'm going to apologize in case the pictures are acting all wonky.  I don't know why they don't want to just line up in the middle... guess it's a Blogger issue at the moment.  Have a great day!


  1. Hi Emily!
    I love your visual weight loss jars! Such a great idea!
    You've totally motivated me to get my blogging/business binders back in order. That will be my focus for Monday Made It next week. As always, love your post!
    Hope to meet you in Vegas next month!
    The Learning Effect

  2. Emily,
    You have been super busy! I am relatively new to the business side of TpT; your blog binder looks like it could be very useful in helping me stay organized and on track. I'm heading over to TpT to check it out!
    Storybook Endings in Second


I hope this was able to help you in some way. I love comments and I like to reply via email. Please make sure your profile is set up with your email address (and that it's not a noreply-comment@blogger.com). Have a great day!