June 20, 2015

Public Service Announcement: My Store is On Sale

This week has been absolutely wonderful.  Spending days with my family with the beach in the background... sure beats the 100 degree heat of living in the valley.  Celebrating my hubby's birthday, visiting CA missions with my now fourth grader, eating at all our favorite spots...  This is what vacation is all about.

Then we got home, and laundry happened.  I lost count of all the loads I tackled Thursday and Friday.  Trying to get my boys back into home mode (rather than at the beach mode).... mainly meaning trying to motivate them to complete chores.  "Let's clean your room!"  "I need you to empty the dishwasher."  All the "fun" things that I don't have to say during our time away.  

Hubby and I have stayed up way too late the last couple of nights having a TV marathon, catching up on shows and I was updating products over on TPT.  Changing up covers, adding some extra pages, etc.  This morning I was looking at my statistics, and realized that there are a lot of wish listed products.  That makes me super happy, so I wanted to throw a sale.  EVERYTHING is included in the next 3 days... even bundles are 20% off!

Hope it helps!  

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