July 3, 2015

Five for Friday: I Survived the Week! (Giveaway)


Linking up with Doodlebugs for yet another Five for Friday!  Slow down summer... 5 weeks are over!!!  I knew this past week was going to be a rough one.  I'm a teacher on summer break... yet I worked harder this week than I have in a long time. 

One:  VBS - Arts and Crafts Teacher for Preschool

I loved this years theme of Mount Everest.  This was my "classroom" this past week at night.  Snowflakes hanging everywhere.  We had igloos that transitioned the kids through the rooms.  It's one thing to have 32 fourth graders focus for the 6 hours I have them, it was a challenge to maintain focus for the dozen 3-6 year olds I had for 15 minutes each.  Painting almost every night, bubbles everywhere, it was so much fun!  The AC decided to quit during this extra hot week, so it was a little warm, but thankfully we had a fan to keep us company.  

Two: 21 Day Fix

I decided it was time for me to get real about making good choices.  Too much Diet Coke and treats this past month... it was time to jump back on the wagon.  I'm loving this eating plan!  I am using the free (purple) 21 Day Fit Tracker app to help me keep track of what I'm eating.  Really happy with the results so far!

Three: Getting Ready for Vegas

I didn't go to Vegas last year, and then I drove my friends that went crazy... so I'm beyond excited about next week.  It's starting to feel real, I've been printing out my boarding pass, and name tags... pulled out my suitcase and have been trying to figure out what to wear...  Only a few more days until I get to physically meet some of my best blogging friends!  

Four: Friend Time!

This past week my school has been selling fireworks to raise money.  Yesterday (and today) I spent time hanging out with these lovely ladies in a hot firework cage and holding a sign on the corner.  It was our grade level's turn to sell, we're trying to raise money for next year's big field trip.  I absolutely thank God for these women, it's so wonderful to be able to work with people you call your friends.  

 Five:  Big Week on FB

My FB page reached 3,300 likes!  Feeling loved over there too, I wanted to have a shopping spree giveaway.  Tomorrow night I'll choose a random winner.  The giveaway is over on FB, so please go enter!

Have a great day!


  1. I'm so jealous that you get to go to Vegas. :-( Maybe next year, I will be there too! Selling fireworks sounds like it would be a BLAST! :)

    Teaching in Bows, Pearls, and Glitter - http://bowspearlsandglitter.blogspot.com

    1. Ha ha! I don't have a clue about fireworks, so it's been a bunch of reading boxes and trying to figure out what they actually do... Yesterday I spent the majority of time holding a sign and waving/smiling to people as they drove by. It's been over 100 lately, so it's definitely been a labor of love. :) As for Vegas... I think I'm more excited to finally meet my friends than even the conference itself. :) Hopefully next year I'll get to meet you too!

  2. Good luck with your healthy eating! Loving the Mt Everest pic - looks fab!

    1. Thank you! Winter during summer... it was wonderful!

  3. I've been on summer vacation for two weeks, and it's gone by VERY quickly. Your VBS "classroom" and activities sound like so much fun. VBS is always fun and worth it but SO exhausting! Have a great time in Vegas!
    Laughter and Consistency


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