July 6, 2015

Monday Made It - The 6th Monday of Summer

This is my 6th Monday of vacation... Time has flown, especially this past week.  I was so busy between teaching VBS, selling fireworks for school, getting ready for Vegas, and reading my book as I avoided housework :) , that there are only 2 Made It's for today.  

Like I said - I've been getting ready for Vegas... I had a pile of business cards to bring with me, and I couldn't figure out where to put them... I had a feeling they were going to fly all over my purse, and I wanted something a little sturdier than a plastic sandwich bag.  We picked up 2 plastic pencil pouches (99 cents at Target), and I stuck a label on them.  No fancy fonts, just me going old school with a Sharpie marker.  I'm so excited to meet new people and fill up my "To Get" pouch.  Looking forward to making connections and growing my network!  Who knows, maybe those new business cards will turn into a future Swap - a - Card giveaway.  :)  

Every year (for at least 7 years), I've gone to Big Lots to pick up a desk calendar for $3.  You see, I really do NOT like to change a calendar every month.  It was more necessary when I taught primary, but with my big kids, I just need someplace to record important information that will help remind them (and myself) what's coming up.  It's not an exciting made it, but it's functional.  I filled in my calendar with the things I already know.

 I'll still need to fill in student birthdays when I receive that information, and assemblies, due dates, blah, blah, blah... But right now I have the end of the trimesters, minimum days, holidays, conferences, etc...  It has saved me so much time and headache using a paper calendar.  Highly recommend one!  In the classroom, this is always hung using small binder clips on my information wall.  It is very satisfying to rip the paper off at the end of the month.  :)  

Well that's it for now... go check out the other link ups over at Tara's blog!


  1. Love your "To Get" and "To Give" tags. You have super cute handwriting! Sometimes the best made its are the practical ones. :)

  2. Old school ideas worked for teachers who taught you. Never forget the oldies but goodies.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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