June 6, 2013

Donors Choose

I love this website.

Last Friday when I was all tired from the last day of school, I got on the computer and uploaded 2 projects.
All-Purpose Teacher...
Project 1 is Heavy Duty Book Boxes for my entire class. 

Project 2 is an iPad 2 for more internet access for my students.

I checked school email (yes, I check during summer), and found out that for the first week of the projects the site is matching donations.  I clicked on the iPad project, and then I blinked since my $570 project is $96 away from being funded.  I'm like - say what???  So excited!

I'm thankful for partnership funding - they want to help my class!!!

So - come Friday if it hasn't been funded, I will be coughing up the $48 with the code "Inspire" (to match) and then next year I'll get the iPad for my kiddos.

SOOO excited!!!


  1. Congratulations! You've inspired me to try it out! That is incredible! :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. Congratulations! And continued success! I was wondering where you found those book boxes. I have been looking for some and those look very sturdy.

  3. Wow, that's awesome! I want to put a project on there for iPads as well. I need to find out more info on this!

    What is partnership funding?

    And, if your iPad is funded now, you just have next year's class write thank you notes?

    Collaboration Cuties

  4. I have never heard of this site before, but now I am officially a card carrying member. Thanks for the information!


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