Know what I love? FREEBIES! Click the link above to snatch up this Mission History Freebie with you. It's a peace offering because this little blog has been sitting pretty empty for a while, and I'm sorry about that. This school year has just done me in... between teaching 32 kids and carting my own 3 boys to school with me... and then homework, grading, cooking, laundry, cleaning, and... and... and... I'm just tired.
I sometimes wonder if anyone ever comes over to check to see what I've been up to, wonders where I've been... or if everyone already sees my posts over at IG or FB and knows I haven't jumped off the bridge (yet). ;) Just kidding...
So, let's talk for a moment about how my classroom is going this year. This Fall at our PD we were told that we would be doing RCD - ELA (SS) this coming year. I didn't even know what that was... the acronyms change all the time, but I've learned it's Rigorous Curriculum Development, and my grade level would be taking our Social Studies curriculum and diving deeper to apply our reading standards in a new content area... to make the units integrated. Sounded great until the part that we needed to find resources to do that...
So I started researching our different units and created reading passages for what my students need to know. Those informative, interesting, and fun facts that glue their attention year after year. The passages led to spiral strategy grids... which led to thinking maps... which led to comprehension questions... which led to unit tests... which led to research opportunities for my students to grow deeper with their knowledge.

I have always LOVED teaching my kids about our California History, but this year it has really flourished with these passages in addition to the research, writing, and activities that we were already doing.

Reminder: this Monday and Tuesday everything will be on sale over at TPT. Don't forget to use the code (though if you do forget you can contact their customer service to get some help).
Have a great day!