It's been over 2 years, almost 2.5, since I've written anything on this little old blog. A lot has happened in the last 2 years... I don't know if anyone even reads blogs anymore, I know that my own life has changed and gotten busier and there isn't as much time on Saturday mornings to read as much as I would like.
When I first started this website in the fall of 2012, I wanted to remember those good moments in the classroom. It was a tough year, and one that I didn't think I would make it through without all my hair falling out. The blog helped me remember to make a memory every day. To do something memorable, to have some fun, to smile, to review and reflect on what I knew.
Then what was started in fun, as something that was supposed to help with stress, started to become incredibly stressful. So I needed to take a break. I had a big loss in my life and went through a rough patch with grief. My family got a diagnosis that made me rethink everything that I thought I knew about autism, and all our "spare" time has been spent learning about services and therapies, and advocating until we were blue in the face. In the midst of it all I changed grades and realized that I was completely overwhelmed with a new grade (even though it was just one grade difference), and so I just backed out of the blogging world, creating for TPT, and all the business stuff that comes along with it.
I still don't know what the future holds (does anyone?), but I'm feeling more centered and want this blog to go back to my reminder of those memorable moments in the classroom. Even without perfect pictures, or pinning anything over to Pinterest, or having to have printables for one to download. It's not a sales pitch, and I'm still trying to avoid stress because my life is just too stressful. It's just me trying to navigate what I've learned that past 19 years of teaching, what I've learned and experienced over the last 2 years of being in fifth grade, and how I've grown as a teacher.
Here I am... again...
Emily I pray things will get better for you and your family. You're such a GREAT inspiration to educators!