The other day I wrote a letter to our school board to let them know what's been happening in my classroom, I was trying to let them know that learning was still happening even on this distance learning journey. As I was writing about all the good that happens each day, I realized I should really write about this year over here as well, I really don't want to forget this crazy school year. It has grown me like no other...
My district uses Microsoft Teams this year. It was a learning curve, but I'm thankful that I kept with the idea to keep it simple. I have tried to translate what I'm used to doing in the classroom into a virtual routine. I didn't want to recreate the entire wheel...
This is the channel view when I open up my team.
I'm still using Color Teams as our weekly groups. Every week I make new student groups over on Class Dojo, and then move the screenshot to a ppt with the names of the different colors. That goes into the color team channels for the kids to know who to interact with each week. I want them to chat with different people.
I've also added (and then deleted) other group channels throughout the year. We've had channels for Book Clubs, channels for creating our DARE songs, channels for these Causes of the American Revolution skits... I start meetings in them for specific groups to work on a task. They leave their notes in there as well. I'll tell about how Book Clubs, creating DARE songs, and these skits in other posts. It has worked so well.
I also have private channels for each of my students. Those are the best things EVER! Can't show you those, but it's been a way for me to privately talk to each of my students this year - like a constant text message. I can send them reminders (aka. lots of nagging), they ask me questions, they respond to my exit tickets in there, and every week I meet with them in their private channels during an afternoon conference. When the assignment tab isn't working for some, they turn in their work in there as well. I love how the text becomes bold when there is a new message waiting for me. It has worked marvelous this year!
When the hybrid schedule starts in a few weeks, I will have most of my class still logging in from home. We will have an A group on Monday and Thursday, a B group on Tuesday and Friday, and a constant distance learning C group. If they aren't physically with me in class, they will be logging in to join us online. I am so thankful that we already have gotten used to this online classroom as we will keep on using it to keep the kids interacting together. I want to keep my class family together as much as possible.
How are you keeping the groups interacting together online? I'd love to learn!

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