1. We started our new novel - Indian in the Cupboard. I love how this ties into our SS unit, and gives them a taste to learn about different Native Tribes, and then how that information connects to nowadays. We start our research team projects next week...
2. I read Totem Tales to them, and then they created their own totem poles and tales. I used the clipart from here to make a small sheet to give them as ideas.
3. We had a moment and did I wish my teacher knew… it’s sweet and heart breaking all at the same time. Man, I love these kids. Have you ever done "I wish my teacher knew...?" Basically I give them an index card, and they finish the sentence, then turn in. I told them that it can be anonymous or they can put their names on it if they want. They tell me information that means something to them.
4. We also tackled our Context Clue Travel Adventure! The foam flyers worked wonderfully as a mini STEM project to build, then sort the kids to mix them up a bit from their normal team groups before they hit the stations to review context clues.
5. The kids got to attend music class for the first time in years. It was amazing and they absolutely loved it. And I loved the extra prep. :) It's amazing how much one can get done in a short amount of time... It feels good to tackle the to do list and actually get something accomplished.
6. I read Noteable Notebooks. It's a great story to show pictures of real scientist notebooks.
7. We also worked on our science observation note booking skills- working on those A,B,C,D’s.
This week we closely observed shells. Last week we observed classroom objects, and the first week we observed rocks. Our drawings are getting more accurate, bigger, colorful, and definitely more detailed.
8. I ordered a bulk pack of ear buds for our class set of laptops. This is the link I used, so far they are working great. It's helping now that I'm letting them use the computers more for Code.org, Scratch, and for Prodigy as a May Do.
9. We tackled a Growth Mindset Escape Room on Friday afternoon. This is the product I used.
It kept them moving and they needed to use that growth mindset because it was tricky! I ended up taking the 4 included puzzles and putting all 4 on a single page before I made copies for my class, it saved on paper. Then each table group had a specific task and code, and the kids rotated around to complete it all.
10. I taught them the game "Hello Mr. President".
Hello Mr. President is a listening game, and it's quiet. Key word - silence... A kid stands in the front, eyes closed. Silently, pick a second student to stand in the back of the room and say "Hello, Mr. President" - in whatever voice they want to use... kids get into the disguise. The "President" with their eyes closed has to guess the owner of the voice. For some reason the kids LOVE this game.
11. The kids are reading!!! Silent Reading seems to be our favorite time of the day. Kids are stretching out all over the room, in chairs, under desks, on the rug... I'm over in my chair also reading (currently Poison in the Colony), and there's a groan when we get to the point we HAVE to move onto workshop. They love to read, and I'm getting to hear all about their books during our Book Talks. Book Talks, with the 40 Book Challenge, and Book Beads are filling my time during Workshop. It makes my day!
And now I'm ready to go curl up with my own home book... Have a great weekend!

Disclaimer - These are not sponsored links, just things that I LOVE and that I'm currently using in my classroom. I love to share ideas. :)