We started homework this week, and even though the kids had to write it down in their agendas, I did post a picture on Class Dojo so parents could keep an eye out as well. The last time these kids had homework was 18 months ago in third grade... they need some help with being responsible.
I also taped up my computer cart with electrical tape so students could easily find their specific classroom laptop. Tape went on the bottom groove where the computer slides in and also around the charging cord, I numbered it with sharpie. We also wrote our specific computer number in our agendas so they could "prove" it to others. It's not sticking as great as I thought it would, but it's doing the job so I won't have to redo.
I'm back to using TEAMs again. I had added channels for a Class Chat, Helpful Websites, and Homework Help channels last week... but then added more...
*Workshop Activities has images of papers that I used to copy. Last year really proved the kids don't need their own copy to tackle it, so I just uploaded for the week, and will take it down on Monday and upload the new information. I added their Math Spiral and list of spelling words for easy access.
*Absent Kids... I already have my first kid at home due to a cold... but since it's the same symptoms as something else, well I realized I needed a way for the kids trapped at home for weeks to keep up with in class students. Or at least have access. Every day that someone is absent I will now snap pictures of the math workbook and upload on a post in that specific channel. I let parents know they can look there.
We started Workshop today! The kids had to do part of their math spiral, part of their Your Turn (Reading) workbook, and 1 spelling option per day Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Then on Friday we went over it all and they graded their own papers. When they were busy working individually or with partners, I was calling kids over for Book Talks and Conferences.
These are the workshop resources I use:
Your Turn reading workbook is part of the Wonders curriculum.
I moved the furniture around again during prep. So that picture above isn't exactly what it looks like anymore, but I forgot to take a new picture. My brain is tired... Tried to make the outside edges a little more fluid since there are SO. MANY. KIDS. The big table on the right edge is now next to the paper towel holder, the back white bench is now where that table used to be... it opens the room so much better. The desks also got moved a bit. I wanted to give kids a little more breathing room, so there is a small gap between table groups. It's enough for the 4 kids by the gap to put their backpacks, or me to walk through. Feeling squished is not a pleasant feeling, and then being stuck inside due to air quality was feeling slightly claustrophobic.
Mrs. Granger (from Frindle) stopped by. We were wrapping up our novel, and she tends to arrive right when the kids happen to need to do some dictionary drills aka the Dictionary Scavenger Hunt... Ha! I love how EVERY year there are kids that do not realize that it's me. Throw a skirt over my capris, wear a cardigan, a gray wig, different glasses, carry around my college dictionary, and have an accent, and some are completely fooled. Then I start preaching about the importance of the dictionary and my distaste for the word "Frindle" and it's a hoot.
We started Friday Fluency today. Something we learned last year with distance learning is that MANY of the kids did NOT practice reading aloud while at home. So it'll be a weekly practice until our words per minute improve. I time them for a minute, they read aloud to themselves, hands over their ears they are able to hear only themselves speak, and then I yell "TIME" when done. They circle the word that they got to in their workbook, then we do it again, the goal to pass by their first word. I'm not worried about numbers at this point, I just want them to have that feeling of accomplishment.
I also found some Keto ice cream that really hit the spot now that I have to watch carbs and sugar... It was a NEED for chocolate ice cream kind of night. It's been a doozy of a week. Here's hoping it doesn't affect my blood sugar that bad... I found it at the grocery store, and it was tasty.
Hope you had a great week!

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