100 days of school... Looking back over the past months, time seems to have flown by. Of course I don't realize how fast they've flown until the 100th day milestone approaches.
When I taught primary it was a big deal on the 100th day. We had a special home project, we spent the entire day working with the number 100 in math, science, writing... With my big kids though, we have so many other things that we are in the middle of that usually we can't spend the entire day stepping away from our novel, math lesson, science lesson, but it's still important for me to recognize 100 days together.
Friday was an extra busy day, so we could only fit in a few activities:
Morning Work - Quick Write "What would you do with $100?"
I was pleasantly surprised to hear how many of the kids would save their money or give it to charity.
Math Check:
Equivalent Fractions, Mixed numbers, Improper Fractions, Adding and Subtracting Fractions - all involving denominators of 100
First Grade Reading Buddies:
We always get together with our buddies on Friday mornings, so we spend the time together getting to help them with their 100th day activities.
Creative Art Project:
I printed out the number 100 on a piece of copy paper, and fit it 2 per page. I used to sit for an entire prep period using the di cut machine in the library, but this is honestly faster and the kids are capable of bubble cutting out their numbers. From there they take the numbers and view them as shapes, creating pictures of anything they wish (as long as it's school appropriate - haha).
Here are some of their creations:
I did bring in donut holes for the kids as well... because donut holes are always fun!

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