Nothing screams a Friday in Summer like Data Folders! Right?
Today was a big day. I ended up opening up a ream of copy paper and setting up camp by my personal copy machine. I printed off my Back to School Packet, my first week of school copies, and the pages for my students' Data Folders.
Then it was time to staple them. I took this picture (as I was procrastinating), posted it on IG and was asked where they could get it and specifically what I do with them... so it's now on Google Docs.
A little how I use these:
For years the kids have recorded their personal assessment scores on filler paper in their binders. It's a way to keep them in the loop of how they are doing, and helping them to make goals for the future. 4th grade is the first year of letter grades in my district, so my goal is to help them understand what those numbers mean. Last year I decided to post our class averages of the different assessments on a Data Wall.

Remember this? Well it worked wonders this past year. No one knew each other's exact scores, but as a class we were trying to bump up our comprehension levels each week. If our average was 80% one week, the next we were aiming for higher. The kids could take their personal score from their binder paper, and compare it to the class average to see if they helped bump the class up, or if they need to keep reviewing. Both the binder paper and the data wall made for helpful student conferences when it was time to talk goals.
This year I'm not using binders in my classroom. I just don't have the room to store them and my supply budget needs to be used for other things... so I moved the personal data sheets to a file folder that I can pass out when it's time to update, and collect for conferences. The cover I printed 2 per sheet (since that's what I do), and the kids will glue that on when it's time to personalize the folder. The folders are ready to go for 1st trimester. Inside has one sheet on the left for a Book Log, and 2 sheets on the right for graphing their ELA and Math Scores. That's it. That's all I'm having them record. Math and Reading Comprehension. I guess you could have them record other subjects too, but I'm simplifying to start out the year. Maybe I'll add in another one or two subjects during the 2nd and 3rd trimester.... so many options.
My school uses AR tests to help with comprehension too. The Book Log is to help keep the kids accountable. Our school gives prizes for specific point amounts.
Any other questions? I hope this helps you!
Love the idea of graphing class data on assignments! I'm adding that to my data wall this year for sure. :)