October 30, 2012
What's Planned for Halloween?

October 29, 2012
Red Ribbon Week
Lesson 1 - Organs of the body - The importance of the different ones
Lesson 2 - Dangers of Medicine
Lesson 3 - Alcohol
Lesson 5 - Marijuana, Cocaine, Inhalants
Lesson 6 - Advertising - How it can be misleading
October 28, 2012
My Halloween Treat for the Kiddos
October 25, 2012
Minimum Days Mean Rearranging The Classroom
The VOICES and FACES information also got a makeover. I decided to laminate the beautiful circle letters from Ladybug's Teacher Files. Before I had them in sheet protectors, but I'm trying to make it a tad smaller in size to combine both the boards.
October 24, 2012
Something Good Linky
Jennifer from Rowdy in First Grade is hosting a linky that is inspiring me to
forget the stressfulness of work and focus on the positive.
Her rules are pretty simple:
Write about something good at home and something good at school.
Something Good at Home:
My 3 boys have adjusted to a new year with new expectations.
My 3rd grader has done a great job with his reading. (He is reading at a 5th grade reading level.) He loves to read but sometimes math can be tricky for him. He doesn't give up though when it's gotten hard. I'm so proud of him.
My 1st grader is a social butterfly. He is learning how to control his need to vocalize every thought that goes through his brain. He shows his caring personality in a million ways, and is a huge helper. His self confidence has grown so much, and he now wants to read to us.
Their hearts are so full to the brim with thinking of others first.
Our 2.5 year old hasn't had an easy time learning to walk, run, or speak. We have been working with therapists (cognitive, physical, and speech for 22 months) Lately though he is trying to say more words, and he is learning to jump. Today he said cheese for the first time and I just about cried. This comes from yesterday when he decided to work on saying "I Love You" in his own little voice. It wasn't completely clear, but it's getting there.
Something Good at School:
I have a hard class this year, the hardest class I've had in 13 years in the classroom. Some days it's hard to find the silver lining. I have many nice kids in my class this year that make me smile. They are keeping me sane when it's been a very long day. My challenging kids have also started giving me hugs on their own accord, so somehow in a weird way maybe they are appreciating the discipline to keep them on track. Maybe they know that I care about them, and it's because I care that I am consistent with the discipline.
My class is pretty smart with Math concepts. They pick up on stuff fast. I know it's because most stuff isn't abstract, and it's a matter of following steps and directions to get to the answer, but it still makes life easier.
I have to mention my team. We are all in the same boat with this special group of kids. It's nice to know they are there to lend a shoulder to lean on, to cry with, to laugh with.
Okay, those are my home and school positives. I'm a blessed girl to be surrounded by family and friends that are there to encourage me.
Go link up so I can learn more about you. :)
Hope you have a great day!
October 23, 2012
My Halloween Pins
October 22, 2012
Parent Survey - Conference Time!
October 21, 2012
Native Californian File Folder Report
October 20, 2012
ID cards and AR Reading Levels
You know when you hear something that seems so simple you wish you had thought of it yourself?
That happened yesterday afternoon.
My teammate mentioned she writes her students ZPD levels on Avery labels and puts them on the back of their ID cards.
How simple is that, and why did I never think of it? No more book marks to make. No more bookmarks for kids to lose. No more shuffling through lists of ZPD levels to find each kid as they are trying to check out their books.
Since our students must have their ID cards to check out books from the library they always have the little reminder with them of what levels they should be reading. You know... those Good Fit/ IPICK books.
I will now have an easy way of telling them what books and area of
the library to be checking out books from.
My class retakes the STAR test every trimester to update their range and to show progress. So I will be able to update their range throughout the year on their cards. It's going to be easier just hand writing it for me, though I'm sure you could type the labels up if you want.
I love my team. She also said when she taught primary she color coded the levels on the sticker since numbers were too hard for her little kids. It made life so much easier during library time.
I've already started prepping this for Monday morning when I can
stick them onto the back of their ID cards.
Hope this helps someone.
October 19, 2012
Cereal Box Book Report
There have been many projects going on in my classroom as we ended the First Trimester.
Above is one of my talented students with her Cereal Box Book Report. When I switched to 4th grade, I spent that summer going through a ton of websites looking for "fun" activities to do to enrich the curriculum. I ran across the idea for a Cereal Box Book Report at Mrs. Pearce's Class Website.
*Updated to add that the link that I had doesn't work for her website, so I found the templates free to download on the blog below.
Here are the templates that I found on Room 10's blog. It's a free download.
Basically here's the idea...
I send home a little explanation note to the parents and I give them a month to work on the project in case they need time to read a larger chapter book. I have them choose a fiction book (since our Spring Book Report is a non-fiction/Biographical).
*Front of the box: Include the name of the cereal and a picture. Invent a name for the cereal that is related to the title of the book and sounds like a cereal. Do not use the exact title of the book.
*Back of the box - Students need to design a game that is based on the story. It can be a puzzle, a word search, a word scramble, a maze, a crossword puzzle, a hidden pictures illustration, or any other fun activity that might be found on the back of a cereal box. Make sure it includes information from the book.
*Left side of the box: Students have to write a summary of their book.
*Top of the box: Students need to write the name of the book, the author, number of pages, and they must give the book a rating.
*Right side of the box: Students need to write the "ingredients" of their book - the characters and setting.
*Prize: Cereal boxes often include a prize. Your prize must be something the main character could have
used in the book or something that reminds you of the main character. You can even include a picture
of the prize on the front of your box to let the reader know what is inside the box.
Now, my students also had to give an oral presentation for when they came up front to share their cereal. Over the years I have seen a bunch of very creative "commercials".
I hope this helps someone!
October 17, 2012
I've Been Boo'd!
Of course, it's been that kind of week already and I haven't had a chance to pass on the good tidings to someone else yet...
That changes tonight.
There are a couple of different Boo Linky Parties going on at the moment, this one was started by the fabulous Cynthia over at Second Grade Pad.
The rules are as follows:
*Choose a fellow blogger that has MORE followers, another that has about the SAME number of followers, and last, someone that has LESS followers.
*Highlight their blogs with links to encourage others to check them out. Don't forget to let your fellow bloggers know that you shared about them.
*Highlight their blogs with links to encourage others to check them out. Don't forget to let your fellow bloggers know that you shared about them.
*Lastly, leave them some love by offering them a
goody from your store as their "treat."
Now, the "treat" is going to be an issue since I don't have a store - but I have an idea that hopefully will work... I just have to somehow contact them with the idea... My issue, not yours...
Okay - here is who I'm boo'ing:
April at the Idea Backpack is full of great resources.
Cassandra at Adventures in Room 5 has great classroom stories to share.
Tales of a Fourth Grade Teacher She had so many ideas!
Check them out!
Make sure you click the Boo Link at the top of the post to
head over to the Linky Party.
Hope you had a great day!
October 13, 2012
What I'm Pinning
I'm addicted to Pinterest and it's not helping that October
has a ton of stuff going on.
has a ton of stuff going on.
Here are some highlights of what I've been pinning:
(If you click the pictures it will go to the pin.
If you click the topic link it should go to the board that I have it pinned on.)
It's Anti-Bullying month so a bunch of read alouds and activities.
We are covering food chains and webs in Science.
We are on the brink of double digit multiplication in Math.
Our Reading Unit is about businesses so we started the read aloud Lemonade War and I found some activities to go with it.
I have this thing with Classroom Art Projects - not that there is always time, but I love looking for ideas.
Lastly, I am always looking for more crock pot recipes to try. This girl loves having dinner make itself!
I can't believe 1,199 people are following me on there! Wow!
If you aren't following me, well this is your official invitation! Click the button on the side and come on over to check out my boards.
Have a great Saturday!
If you aren't following me, well this is your official invitation! Click the button on the side and come on over to check out my boards.
Have a great Saturday!
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